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I Never Knew This About Lake Lanier...

Oh yeah ppl always be dying at Lake Lanier.

Happens several times a year seems like.

I never knew about this story as far as Oscarville.

They don't talk about that shit.

And white folks debating CRT aka systematic race.

Lake Lanier should be the new Jordan Peele movie.

Shit like black Poltergeist

A whole town under water.
Dos posted this in The Cookout and Race's post about environmental racism in the 'Detroit Flood" thread reminded me of the video

This is akin to entire Black towns being burned down/flooded out, a la Tulsa's Black Wall Street, only to have lakes built over where those towns used to be

S/O: @DOS_patos for the vid

Ppl talking about they felt phantom hands grabbing them in the water.

No nigga you are just drowning.

I think Usher's stepson died at Lake Lanier.
Just for those who don't know........most man made lakes in this country sits on land that either African & Native American people owned and or lived on that was either forcefully taken or the people were paid pennies on the dollar.
Now they got their eyes set on the Gullah islands