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I need a lawyer?


The Game Is The Game
Neighbors dog bit my son. It's a pitbull. We were in our backyard playing basketball on our hoop. Their dog ran into our yard, chased us and bit him on the leg. Small bite about half the size of a skittle on his leg but he was scared as you can imagine a 12 year old could be being attached by a dog. My other kids who were closer to me immediately ran behind me. I ran straight at the dog as it bit him. During the attack my son broke his other leg. Fracture on the lower part of the leg that wasn't bitten.

My wife who was in the house called police and ambulance. They're a block away so they were there in less than 10 minutes. Told the police what happened and an Animal Control cop also came out. EMS came and checked him out. They took him to the hospital in the ambulance. We met him there. I knew his leg was broken before we called but they confirmed at hospital.

Son is doing good. Leg in a splint. Cast in a few days. No surgery hopefully.

I want the dog dead. Killed. If they don't put the dog down I'm like 99% sure I'm going to find a way to kill it just because that dog could've killed one of my sons.

But I need some advice on what type of lawyer I should contact. Apparently there are dog bite lawyers? I'm not sure but any legal advice will be welcomed.

Also, I know my comments about the dog might sound harsh, especially to people who are dog lovers but................that dg could've killed one of my kids and it lives next door so, the bitch gotta go for good. The long nap. Sorry if that sounds offensive but fuck that dog nigga.
sorry about your son I totally understand where you’re coming from. A few months ago my mom called me and told me someone’s dog in her building bit her. Wasn’t anything too bad but the dog is known to just bark and harass others in the building. And I felt the same about puttin that dog down. So I totally get it
What was the owners response? Let me guess, "it just wanted to play"?

I wish your son a speedy recovery.
Fuck that dog and fuck the owners!!

These muthafuckers in my neighborhood have dogs and they were letting them get loose all the time. One day my girls were playing outside and I saw those fuckers get loose and I bolted outside. Luckily they just ran into the woods.

I was heated at what COULD have happened. Told the owners if I see their dogs loose again I’m calling animal control and if they ever attack my kids I’m killing the dogs with my bare hands and your family catching hands too!

This bitch had the gall to ask me can they bring their dogs over so we can get to know them in case they get loose again. Bitch, I don’t give a fuck about your dogs!! It’s YOUR responsibility to keep them bitches locked up, not mine to be ok when they get out.

Needless to say the dogs haven’t gotten loose since. Knew them muthafuckas was just being reckless the whole time with making sure their dogs were contained. Dog owners love acting like everybody should love their dogs like they do.

Fuck yo dogs bitch!