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I lost my wife yesterday.


The one between three and three.
Yesterday morning my wife of 20 years passed away. She had been sick since the end of January and hospitalized for sepsis in mid-February. She had been in and out of the hospital ever since. Yesterday her body finally just gave up. This wasn't supposed to happen. The oldest gave birth three days before she had been hospitalized back in February. She never got to see her granddaughter face to face or hold her. She was only at home for one of our children's birthdays, my son's. 11 days after that she was in the hospital. She came home a few times. The longest was from the end of May until the end of June. She went back for a week, and came back July 1st, determined not to spend the 4th of July in the hospital. I had to rush her back July 20th; she was unresponsive that morning. She recovered, but that was her 2nd near-death hospitalization. She recovered quickly, but needed to have surgery to address a large pressure wound that had developed earlier in the year. She had surgery on August 12th and was supposed to be bed-bound for 5 weeks in a long term acute care facility in order for everything to heal properly. I visited her in the hospital every single day she was in there, sometimes multiple times a day. Whatever she needed or wanted, I got it for her and took it to her. I was always there with her.

Life wasn't supposed to be like this. I mean we had our issues, and technically we had been separated since the end of 2019, however I never left her side. I knew she needed help, she couldn't stand or walk, she couldn't even transfer to her wheelchair on her own. Out of 24 hours in a day, I spent at least 23 attending to her, only going to my place to change clothes or unbox something I had ordered. I would even go a week without even going to my place, just stopping by the front office to get my mail. I knew she needed me there despite what we were going through, I was still her husband and she was still my wife and I had taken a vow to see her through sickness, so I did. I did fully move back in with her and the kids the first week of June to care for her. She had been released from a hospital the week earlier and it simply made no sense to keep paying for two places when I was needed by her side.

The last day I saw her was this past Wednesday. I did my usual, brought her whatever she wanted to eat for dinner 'cause the hospital food was terrible and something to drink with a cup of ice in tow. We sat and talked, watched the evening news until 7pm, when I had to leave to get dinner ready for the kids. Thursday morning she was sent to a nearby ER with problems breathing, her blood pressure was up and down, and she was barely passing urine. I couldn't visit her because that place was on lockdown for covid. Still, she called me from the ER. I told her I had spoken to her primary doctor to let him know what's going on, and told her she would be ok. Her heart stopped a few hours later and she was intubated. The doc treating her was somewhat optimistic though, I would have to authorize a few procedures for her in the next few hours and they would get her back to the nursing facility as soon as possible. She went downhill from there. I authorized everything they called for but by 8:30 Friday morning, we were told we needed to get the family together and get to the hospital as quickly as possible. We were all at her bedside before she passed. The kids and her mother got to say their goodbyes as did I. Her blood pressure and pulse dropped to zero while we were there with her. We went to a waiting room while they tried to revive her, but the doctor came in and gave us the news: She was gone.

We thought we had time. We were supposed to grow old together.
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