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How the F**k Do some of Y'all Post Counts Be Getting So High, B?!!


Active Member
Wild shit my guy. Know I'm not on here like that at all but relative to many it's amazing like how?


30k-40k+. Like how? Not even really trying to clown, but like when and where? Bored at work? At home clicking on phone at dinner? No work at all for you, like a breeze?

Even people who mod which would make more sense for such high count, still though, crazy shit 💯 no jk.

4 years being active in most of the sub forums with multiple posts in damn near every thread will get your posy count high.
I talk a lot of shit.

I shut shit down and get shut down.

I bring smoke and run from smoke

I tell Niggas to stfu and get told to stfu

I critically think and challenge to status quo and group think/tribalism

cuz I’m mothetfuckimg Dos

2stepz ahead of pralims
This might be a reason it’s so high..... having a life.
Posting while in waiting rooms, airports, car repairs, bus stops. Shit, jury duty