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How Many Of Y'all Don't Wash Your Hands After Using The Bathroom

Ehhh, I dont always wash my hands. No biggie

I try to be conscious of it now more than I was say 5yrs ago but I'm not a handwashing nut

I def wash them after interacting with my dog tho
I wash my hands religiously and use hand sanitizer all the time because I work in a hospital...it's germ city here.

I keep hand santizer on me like it's ID. I literally can't understand the concept of why some people don't wash their hands after they use the bathroom. I've been in places that after I use the urinal; the bathroom wouldn't have any soap in it smh. My hands will even feel like they nasty. Luckily, I always keep hand santizer or hand soap on me at all cost.
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I keep that sanitizer on me

shits funny watching people scramble to buy that shit right now


chick who work at walmart down here said they ran out but I was already good on that cause I got a whole case of the pocket sized ones in my closet that i've been had and like two regular sized bottles in the front room. One right by the door and the other in the dining room.
I hate those mf'ers that you see walk out the bathroom without washing their nasty ass hands and 5 minutes later they eating, nasty asses