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How far back can you remember?

I can kinda remember going to the movies when I was like 2. My mom told me was to see Lethal Weapon 2. I vaguely remember the lights around the poster with the big red 2 under Lethal Weapon.
I vaguely remember being around 4 or 5 and there was a Christmas recital and they had us dressed up as angels. And while on stage on those risers I fell asleep. I woke up with my mom carrying me outside.
When I was 2 I put a ninja turtle action figure in the oven when I was playing, and the next day my mama turned it on and it melted into a green puddle at the bottom of the stove.

More than the puddle itself, I remember the smell of that burning plastic vividly.

thought you was gonna say more than the puddle you remember the asswhooping that came w/ it

I remember seeing Star Wars in the movie theater. It came out in 1977 so I must have been about 4 years old.

I also remember seeing The Wiz with Michael Jackson and Diana Ross in the theater. That must have been around 1978.

But the one memory that I have that stands out among everything else is hearing Rappers Delight in 1st grade. I had just turned 6 years old. I remember going to the store with my mother and brother and buying the record and remembering the lyrics and going to school and reciting the lyrics for my classmates.
I remember looking up the stairs from falling down it when I was 4. I vaguely remember touching our tv screen another time it was I think the original 19t4 Godzilla I remember the black and white lol. I may have been 3
Years 3 and 4 blur together sometimes but I remember preschool vividly. I remember the bus driver that took me to said school and the teacher letting me play this weird point and click adventure game on a "Macintosh" computer.
Yea I have a couple memories I can recall right now that happened at age 3. Maybe even earlier and definitely mad stuff from kindergarten.