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How do I delete my account?

Do y'all contact Reddit or Twitter and ask them to delete y'alls accounts? 🤔
Real shit, before y’all delete the next account, ask these dudes what’s their motivation with deleting the account. I know, I just know, if you come here for smut, you go somewhere else for smut.

And the other place you go for smut, is maybe 10 levels higher in debauchery than anything you can get into here. And I know you ain’t deleting that account or using different emails for it, I know you got that one email for all your smut shit.

So, does asking your account be deleted here give you some kinda sense of control that you got a handle on your addiction?


You don’t …in fact, you’re like the smoker that says I’ll not gonna smoke a whole bowl today, I’m just gonna smoke a joint or two.. and then it’s midnight and you’re a couple ounces in