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How Cool Are You With Domestic Violence Offenders?

Follow up question; how cool are you with a dude who you know hits the women he's with?

It's a friendship killer for me
Truthfully, I never come across folks in my circle like that...but my sisters deal with jerks but they do hold they own with that fists.. they tend to not let me know the ongoings until it is long gone and over and they also tell me to let it go so i don't act on it due to their wishes... I don't condone hitting
Truthfully, I never come across folks in my circle like that...but my sisters deal with jerks but they do hold they own with that fists.. they tend to not let me know the ongoings until it is long gone and over and they also tell me to let it go so i don't act on it due to their wishes... I don't condone hitting

This. But anyone can make a mistake. Depending on the scenario and how he handled it afterwards, we could still see rocking with him. But like a nigga who just ROUTINELY puts hands on his lady, like its the shit to do? Na, I wouldn't be able to stomach that. That's where we get off the friends train and go our separate ways.
I can’t judge a nigga. Shit would depend on the circumstances.

Had a guy that worked for me beat his wife ass after she got pregnant by his brother, led him to believe he was the Dad for 2 years. Then when he lost his job, she told him it wasn’t his, left him for the brother. Not condoning it, but shit, I can’t say I would have been cool in the same scenario.

If it’s just a nigga beating his woman casually and shit, nah fucc em.