Welcome To aBlackWeb

COMMUNITY How are you helping our/your community?

Our community= people of color

Your community= your local community, specifically

I think we can all agree that people of color are in a peculiar position. We talk extensively about a lot of the ills we have going on, but what are YOU actively doing to make a difference?
I started volunteering last year at the daycare that my oldest daughter goes to. It started with taking the older boys to the gym that's on the campus on Friday's.
Now I help out with homework as well during the week and have been putting things in place to start a mentoring/tutoring business, maybe even another daycare.
The idea is to groom our youth, give them another couple hours of knowledge and life skills after school, and try to be another resource to help others succeed.
I help out/volunteer at a residential care home for tha elderly and high functioning special needs on Saturdays and Sundays. I cook for’em and clean tha kitchen as well as bs and talk shit wit’em
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I bought some pants online that were too big and I waited too long to return them so I’m about to drop them in one of those clothing donation boxes
I don't do enough and I've been procrastinating volunteering for a long time. At school I'm a note taker for kids with disabilities, so I basically upload and share my notes with kids who can't take notes or attend class due to mental and physical obstacles
Creating black kids and raising them right

But naw lol.

I give so much knowledge to these youngins at every chance I get.

I’m trying to open their mind so they can make better decisions I made when I was their age.
I do what I can, but it's so much fraud shit around here for social media clout and fake outrage. Everytime a black man or woman died, niggas get mad say they gonna do shit to help fight the cause then forget about all of it until the next injustice happens. Never ending cycle which I refuse to be a part of. It's a trend to most niggas
I use to but that shit seem scammish to me in the area I reside.

Yea around here its a big hustle.
I gave some change at the light one time, dude immediately walked to the other side of the street where his begging crew was posted up. Handed one of the guys the sign he was just holding up, then that guy came to the light to resume begging
I don't do enough and I've been procrastinating volunteering for a long time. At school I'm a note taker for kids with disabilities, so I basically upload and share my notes with kids who can't take notes or attend class due to mental and physical obstacles

In what capacity are you looking to volunteer?
In what capacity are you looking to volunteer?

Something on a longterm basis, ideally where I can meet similar minded people and work on projects over time. There are food banks and soup kitchens but their timing discords with my availability due to work and school obligations.

I got curved on a volunteer position teaching music to kids last year. They wanted pianists and guitarists but I'm all self taught do more recording arts - I emailed them and initially they were into the idea of letting me teach recording arts but I think someone above the person I initially messaged deaded that