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Bull shit ass snow is back, expecting 3 to 5 inches today in Ohio.

Just woke up about 30 minutes ago to the same bullshit. Snowing like crazy out there. I gotta hit Lowes, Home Depot, or Menards for a damned kitchen faucet. Really don't wanna go out in this here shit.
Just woke up about 30 minutes ago to the same bullshit. Snowing like crazy out there. I gotta hit Lowes, Home Depot, or Menards for a damned kitchen faucet. Really don't wanna go out in this here shit.

Be safe out there, I need to grab salt from Lowe's and I'm dreading it myself
This is probably the warmest winter i ever felt in PG Maryland. Outside of a few flurries that stoped after 2mins, we havent had any snow. Probably in February, we will get hit with some snow.
Yeah this that ole boolsheeit. Took this a lil while ago when I left the crib to grab some rock salt for the driveway.

Yesterday was crazy. Last few days we're been having rain storms, but nothing crazy or out of the norm. They yesterday a crazy storm came around th Ft Lauderdale area, and literally just stayed there. Poured rain nonstop for like 20 hours. Airport got shut down and started to flood. The new building they just build started leaking rain from the top. Never seen anything like this.

Majority of the streets in east broward looked like this. And dick heads in their suvs/trucks hauling ass through the water only made it worse with their wakes

The second to last pic of the Bentley happened in front of me. Dont feel bad for that dummy. That street was flooded deep, but only all the way to the right. So everyone went all the way to the left lane except for giant trucks that didnt care.

If you went all the way to the left lane, it was 4"-5" at the deepest. This dummy decided to bomb through the middle that was approaching a foot deep and got deeper the further right you went.

A lot of the cars that shut off and got stuck isnt cuz the water was super deep, it was because they were going way too fast in it and splashed it right in their engine. A lady in a bmw did it right in front of that Bentley, but she thought it was fine to go fast in the shallow part while driving a low 4 series. Watched her dumb ass have to get out and walk in that dirty ass storm water.

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