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Hov & Meek Mill Launch A Criminal Reform Organization

jay -z like the batman of the music industry,

meek is the latest robin,.....
I see yall point..sheer and dos..I personally just dont like how blacks with influence use the influence they have over blacks to do shit that possibly dont really help blacks in a substantial way. You can do prison reform that says a crack sentence is equal to a cocaine sentence. The guy who got the sentence still comes home early as a black felon. Back as a black felon to the toxic environment that lead to his first felony.
To my point fam, Jayz understand with his resources and viewpoint. That the prison system injustice is a symptom of a much larger problem. If he can bring billionaires to the table to listen....If you had HIV, and the HIV cause a cold that affected you enough to almost kill u. Why would you take meds to cure the cold, when you have the means to cure the HIV?
and the end result is what?
the person with the cure can make more money selling something to cure the symptom. thats generational income across multiple generations.
if i give you the cure....i didnt make any money.
and these are billionaires we are talking about.
and the end result is what?
the person with the cure can make more money selling something to cure the symptom. thats generational income across multiple generations.
if i give you the cure....i didnt make any money.
and these are billionaires we are talking about.
Bruh, if you want to keep it a buck. I think Jay is going this to be looked at as a savior to a bunch of short sighted niggaz. Cause he has a god complex.
and are we really talking prison reform or a way to protect the pockets of those who falsely arrested alot of these dudes over dumb shit.

most of these dudes dont understand their rights , so they dont even know if they been violated. and with all this changing of the laws with it comes to dealing with drugs now.....alot of them are looking funny in the light because black men and generations was destroyed over the shit thats now allowed to be sold in stores.

so distract the people, throw a free concert, prop one of theirs. just keep them away from lawyers.
Bruh, if you want to keep it a buck. I think Jay is going this to be looked at as a savior to a bunch of short sighted niggaz. Cause he has a god complex.
yes, he does and guess why and how he got it?

all you have to do is say a slick line on beat and you have the attention of millions.
yes, he does and guess why and how he got it?

all you have to do is say a slick line on beat and you have the attention of millions.
My nigga calls himself Jay'hova..and raps..gawd to this dope boys, how can u not be a hov fan...to his credit...the nigga straight forward
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I mean....he lost 99 bricks and it did happen. Niggaz really dont believe shit unless its in front of their face in live action
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Here's one way to look at it:

The people that are currently in the system are broken. They grew up in a dysfunctional home, they dropped out of high school, got involved in drugs, got arrested a few times and have felony convictions on their record. One way to look at it is that it's too late for those people.

Maybe it's better to forget about the people in their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s and beyond. At this point the only sensible thing they can do is join the military, if they can pass a psych exam.

It sounds cliche, but it might make more sense to focus on the youth. The adolescence and teenagers that are still enrolled in school and haven't been arrested yet. I'm talking about kids between the age of 10-17. There's still hope for them, especially if they haven't been arrested yet.

Some people just aren't cut out for school. The military is the best option, or they can join a union. What they can't do is sell drugs because they'll just end up in prison.

I had an idea, not saying that it will solve the problem but it could help. Back in the 1980s there was something called proposition 2 1/2. It was a law in Massachusetts and there were similar laws throughout the country. Basically it cut taxes and the schools suffered the most. They used to have music programs where elementary school children would learn how to play an instrument. They cut funding to that so kids in the 80s didn't learn music theory the way kids in the 60s and 70s did.

It might not seem like much, but if people like Jay Z, Dr Dre, Master P, Oprah, Russell Simmons, etc. could pool their money together to reinstate music in schools, maybe the kids that aren't into academics (history, math, science, etc.) could learn to play instruments and stay busy with a guitar, piano or saxophone rather than dropping out and smoking weed, which leads to harder drugs and eventually jail...or death. I know when I was in school I wasn't really into academics, but if somebody handed me an instrument and told me that I have to learn how to play it, maybe it could have made a difference.

Kids who are physically bigger have a shot at getting an athletic scholarship via football or basketball. But physically smaller students don't see an athletic scholarship as a realistic option. Perhaps if they mastered an instrument they could get a scholarship for music.

Just an idea.
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Here's one way to look at it:

The people that are currently in the system are broken. They grew up in a dysfunctional home, they dropped out of high school, got involved in drugs, got arrested a few times and have felony convictions on their record. One way to look at it is that it's too late for those people.

Maybe it's better to forget about the people in their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s and beyond. At this point the only sensible thing they can do is join the military, if they can pass a psych exam.

It sounds cliche, but it might make more sense to focus on the youth. The adolescence and teenagers that are still enrolled in school and haven't been arrested yet. I'm talking about kids between the age of 10-17. There's still hope for them, especially if they haven't been arrested yet.

Some people just aren't cut out for school. The military is the best option, or they can join a union. What they can't do is sell drugs because they'll just end up in prison.

I had an idea, not saying that it will solve the problem but it could help. Back in the 1980s there was something called proposition. It was a law in Massachusetts and there were similar laws throughout the country. Basically it cut taxes and the schools suffered the most. They used to have music programs where elementary school children would learn how to play an instrument. They cut funding to that so kids in the 80s didn't learn music theory the way kids in the 60s and 70s did.

It might not seem like much, but if people like Jay Z, Dr Dre, Master P, Oprah, Russell Simmons, etc. could pool their money together to reinstate music in schools, maybe the kids that aren't into academics (history, math, science, etc.) could learn to play instruments and stay busy with a guitar, piano or saxophone rather than dropping out and smoking weed, which leads to harder drugs and eventually jail...or death. I know when I was in school I wasn't really into academics, but if somebody handed me an instrument and told me that I have to learn how to play it, maybe it could have made a difference.

Kids who are physically bigger have a shot at getting an athletic scholarship via football or basketball. But physically smaller students don't see an athletic scholarship as a realistic option. Perhaps if they mastered an instrument they could get a scholarship for music.

Just an idea.
Great idea.

I the only problem with it is the parents and parental involvement and our control of the imagery the kids see.
I dont want to be the sadsack around here...but when i go back to help ...alot of the parents are just not around.
i understand all the reasons.....and they are legit because thats their truth. but the thing that irks the shit outta me if the men.
All these men missing from the households yet you can find niggas on almost every corner. niggas out doing nothing but waiting for trouble.
the solution is offers these kids hope thru allowing them to dream and promote that dream.

how can a kid dream about anything more than a black man on tv crying "they killed my boy" or cops chasing a black dude or hearing how men aint shit and a woman can raise a man until their child has a kid and the chick does the same and then its time to beat the bitch ass.

bruh...alot of our kids are lost mentally before they can form proper thoughts. most of our kids see toxic communication and often times with no consequence of very drastic consequence(abuse).

what can they really strive for or want in life if thats what they are surrounded by?

then you have the niggas who claim to want to help but they only really want a following. i told yall about the arguments i used to get into down there.
niggas really trying to say im not from the streets so i cant say shit to they kids in the inner city.
my thing is this, i grew up in the inner city and i didnt see people who thought like me. not every kids looks up to the local doe boy or pimp or gangster or some nigga who could play a sport...some kids get lost in just those options. but what about those kids who dont think like that? so we just forget them. i always had more kids approach me after one of my visits ..because they didnt want to ask questions in front of their freinds and look corny.

I am forever thankful i had a dad to look up to. i had a positive image of what a man was.

alot of these kids dont.
every example i mentioned above was someone trying to protect their image or present a certain image.
all of it toxic.

so the solution is to show our kids we can be more than what we were told we can be.
these kids already have real world experiences that most adult dont.
they know how to survive in harsh environments.
so teach them something and they can excel....
simply because in their world....the wrong decision can cost them their life.
but in corporate america...the wrong decision can cost you your comfort.

i rather our kids lose comfort...something they already know how to navigate...so it will be easier for them to build back up.
Who owns/runs prisons in America?

As far as they are profitable... Well

It might sound backwards, but maybe wealthy Black men need to start investing in prisons.

With an equity investment you have some say in how the prisons are run.
A dope thing to do is black rich men invest in entities like liberty tax service, money management firms, small marketing firms, representative agencies, small law firms. Hire black and Hispanic interns that can gain experience needed after leaving schools. Invest in vocational schooling and temp agencies to help push placement of black and Hispanic men to gain experience to put into a resume for salaried jobs. Grass roots stuff instead of trying to take down a system, build a system. Think star said it best, fuck da plantation, build your own nation. We need more dentists, therapists that can come from being social workers. The foundation is there.
A dope thing to do is black rich men invest in entities like liberty tax service, money management firms, small marketing firms, representative agencies, small law firms. Hire black and Hispanic interns that can gain experience needed after leaving schools. Invest in vocational schooling and temp agencies to help push placement of black and Hispanic men to gain experience to put into a resume for salaried jobs. Grass roots stuff instead of trying to take down a system, build a system. Think star said it best, fuck da plantation, build your own nation. We need more dentists, therapists that can come from being social workers. The foundation is there.

Now that you mention it, a day trading firm makes infinite money.

You start off with say, $25,000. You buy a 5,000 shares of a cheap stock and wait for it to go up one or two pennies and then sell it.

There's things called sell limits and sell stops that will automatically sell the stock when it goes up or down a certain amount. So there's little to no risk of losing everything.

If you have a room full of day traders buying and selling penny stocks you can make a million dollars on day 1.

Then on day two, you're not starting off with $25k, on day two you're starting off with $1m.

The only caveat is that you need a team of honest people. All it takes is one computer hacker to steal the money.
Now that you mention it, a day trading firm makes infinite money.

You start off with say, $25,000. You buy a 5,000 shares of a cheap stock and wait for it to go up one or two pennies and then sell it.

There's things called sell limits and sell stops that will automatically sell the stock when it goes up or down a certain amount. So there's little to no risk of losing everything.

If you have a room full of day traders buying and selling penny stocks you can make a million dollars on day 1.

Then on day two, you're not starting off with $25k, on day two you're starting off with $1m.

The only caveat is that you need a team of honest people. All it takes is one computer hacker to steal the money.
Ion feel like its something that anyone is obligated to do, I just think that it's something we owe to our race and culture. In the memory of those that were jailed, beaten, raped, murdered, and hung on our behalf, u feel me.

I ain't rich, but myself, my sisters, and my cousins. Our kids are the first kids of our family tree to not grow up in poverty. I owe it to Dr.King and others to make sure that happens, they prosper and I hold up others in my family on the same shit to continue this trend. I might not be wealthy but I wanna spark the embers for the one that becomes wealthy, feel me?

And its ill, I was talking to my niece about her mother, and told her some shit her moms did. She goes..nah my mama didn't do that!!

I'm like
YYuQbne.png girl ya momma all da way gully..

She dont even recognize that shit cause we so far away from where that shit was needed on a daily. That's fucking dope to me.
Ion feel like its something that anyone is obligated to do, I just think that it's something we owe to our race and culture. In the memory of those that were jailed, beaten, raped, murdered, and hung on our behalf, u feel me.

I ain't rich, but myself, my sisters, and my cousins. Our kids are the first kids of our family tree to not grow up in poverty. I owe it to Dr.King and others to make sure that happens, they prosper and I hold up others in my family on the same shit to continue this trend. I might not be wealthy but I wanna spark the embers for the one that becomes wealthy, feel me?

And its ill, I was talking to my niece about her mother, and told her some shit her moms did. She goes..nah my mama didn't do that!!

I'm like
View attachment 104899 girl ya momma all da way gully..

She dont even recognize that shit cause we so far away from where that shit was needed on a daily. That's fucking dope to me.
Bruh.....im very far removed...

I know
People want change and then complain when a group trys to make positive change. Classic black mentality lol. I remember when people called out Kaeps protest when he did it. Its funny how everybody got the answers but failing the test.
People want change and then complain when a group trys to make positive change. Classic black mentality lol. I remember when people called out Kaeps protest when he did it. Its funny how everybody got the answers but failing the test.
im not failing the test.....im over 85%.

but this is a more than prison reform type thing. this is a system thing.
but like i said...i will wait to learn more about it