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Hov & Meek Mill Launch A Criminal Reform Organization


Kobe With The Pivot
Site Owner
Jay-Z, Meek Mill and a coalition of powerful voices have formed a new organization that they say will "fight different" for criminal justice reform ... and they've got $50 mil between all of them to get it started.

The rappers joined forces with the likes of Patriots owner Robert Kraft, 76ers co-owner Michael Rubin, Nets co-owner Clara Wu Tsai, Van Jones and others to launch Reform Alliance Wednesday, which they say will fight to get at least a million people out of jail over the next five years with a focus on probation and parole.

Meek kicked things off by recounting his harrowing story of being jailed for 5 months on a petty probation violation, and says there are countless people caught up in the system who are voiceless ... for whom he now wants to speak and fight.

He did an interview on The Breakfast Club last month, and outlined the parameters of what his support would look like.

The group announced Van would lead the effort as the CEO, and he gave a poignant speech saying Reform Alliance would amplify the social activists who've been pushing for this reform for decades now. He made clear that RA was not a bank, that it wasn't just going to hire a bunch of lawyers for people and that it wouldn't be reinventing the wheel of criminal justice reform.

On the contrary, Van says the org aims to change fundamental laws that are unjust and ass-backward, which incarcerate men and women for absurd lengths of time ... and cost taxpayers millions of dollars unnecessarily.

Jay also spoke on why he joined the board, saying that the issue of criminal justice reform affects everybody in one way or another. He also highlighted what a complete family unit can achieve even under the hardest conditions when education is at the forefront.

As you know, Meek has become a symbol for criminal justice reform following his 2-4 year prison sentence for probation violations in 2017, and he's been championing the cause ever since his hard-fought release on bail.

The movement's already been effective ... President Trump signed the First Step Act into law, earning huge praise from CNN's Van Jones.

Now, Meek and Jay are set to reveal how they'll keep pushing for more change.
What needs to be fought for are those dated admendments and the criminal laws

In the meantime that Blacks Law Dictionary needs to be read!
I can explain the problem.

Poor people, regardless of skin color, are eligible for government assistance. This means that if you live in a household that earns below a certain amount you're eligible for:

1. Section 8
2. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Insurance (SSD)
3. Food Stamps
4. Federal Grants and Student Loans

A stipulation of those government programs is that you can't use government funds to sell drugs. Nor can you sell drugs out of an apartment that being supplemented by the government (section 8).

If you're receiving these government benefits and you get caught selling drugs, the first thing that happens is you go to court and get charged for the crime, say, possession of marijuana/cocaine/heroin (take your pick) with intent to distribute. If the person gets found guilty they could face 5-10 years in prison, and realistically they're not going to get off because they're guilty (and they have a public defendant). So they plead guilty to get a reduced sentence, say a year (12 months).

The problem is that when they get released from jail, they are ineligible for government assistance because they plead guilty to selling drugs while receiving government assistance. This makes them ineligible for section 8, SSI/SSD, Food Stamps and/or any Federal or State grants, also student loans to go to college.

I served 60 days in jail once for a probation violation. I encountered people in jail that had nowhere to go. They have no family to go back to. They grew up in a small two bedroom apartment with 5+ people living in the household, so going home isn't an option. They don't have a college degree or a trade so they can't get a decent paying job. They don't have anybody to take responsibility for them if they get released on parole. Basically they're stuck in jail and can't get out. If they're eligible for parole, the warden won't release them because in the eyes of the warden, they have nowhere to go and are likely to commit crime and get rearrested (which sounds fucked up but that's probably what would happen).

So they sit in jail and rot and decay.

I'm sure you've heard about people that are sitting in jail before their trial and can't make bail. In some cases these people sit in jail for 1-2 years (or longer) before their trial.

The worst part is that they get comfortable in jail and give up. They're getting three square meals a day and a bed to sleep in, which, in many cases is better what they'd have if they were released.
When I see this..

I see Jay seeing that his name rings bells in hip hop's culture but it dont resonate with the youth with as much power. When he said that money phone bar and future slight him in social media. That was significant.

I think Jay sees the embodiment of that potential leader aura in what meek has built, but meek is like a prize horse without a rider, blinders on with no direction.

So meek is a tool for Jay, as for those white men. They dont care about something they are far removed from. Jay has convinced them that in some manner, early investment in what hes planning. Has a large payoff, what this is for real...only he knows.

For meek and alot of niggaz sake, Jay better be as virtuous as niggaz claim he is. And meek better be wise enough to recognize what the situation is and at the very least network with someone of the minds around the billionaires in that room.

Cause those are the brains, and they dont get seats at those tables, in that light. He could use that if hes smart..just a bunch of hustlers hustling each other..murica shit
When I see this..

I see Jay seeing that his name rings bells in hip hop's culture but it dont resonate with the youth with as much power. When he said that money phone bar and future slight him in social media. That was significant.

I think Jay sees the embodiment of that potential leader aura in what meek has built, but meek is like a prize horse without a rider, blinders on with no direction.

So meek is a tool for Jay, as for those white men. They dont care about something they are far removed from. Jay has convinced them that in some manner, early investment in what hes planning. Has a large payoff, what that is..one he knows.

For meek and alot of niggaz sake, Jay better be as virtuous as niggaz claim he is. And meek better be wise enough to recognize what the situation is and at the very least network with someone of the minds around the billionaires in that room.

Cause those are the brains, and they dont get seats at those tables, in that light. He could use that if hes smart..just a bunch of hustlers hustling each other..murica shit

I feel you but I think its bigger than what you say. look at how its being promoted as a Jay and Meek thing, but you know the pats owner and the 76ers owner are the ones behind it. jay and meek are being used as the face of it, to garner "black" support. but if those rich white men really wanted to make a change in prison reform, they need lobbyists not rappers.

i have no idea what the long play is in this, but i am not holding out hope for some widespread prison reform. maybe they get out one or two people like kim kardashian pleaded with trump to do.

you are right in that it is some hustle shit, i also think merely the existence of this will help the nfl look better in terms of the kapernick situation because now they can say, "ONE OF OUR OWNERS IS ON A PRISON REFORM COALITION WITH JAY Z AND MEEK MILL!!! HOW CAN WE BE RACIST!!!"

if jay all of a sudden comes out and says travis scott is ok for playing the superbowl and stuff like that, then we will see that that was the goal. but its too early to call right now, gotta see what the larger plan is.
not sure about this yet.
sounds like a good idea tho.

i need to learn more about it before i comment.
I feel you but I think its bigger than what you say. look at how its being promoted as a Jay and Meek thing, but you know the pats owner and the 76ers owner are the ones behind it. jay and meek are being used as the face of it, to garner "black" support. but if those rich white men really wanted to make a change in prison reform, they need lobbyists not rappers.

i have no idea what the long play is in this, but i am not holding out hope for some widespread prison reform. maybe they get out one or two people like kim kardashian pleaded with trump to do.

you are right in that it is some hustle shit, i also think merely the existence of this will help the nfl look better in terms of the kapernick situation because now they can say, "ONE OF OUR OWNERS IS ON A PRISON REFORM COALITION WITH JAY Z AND MEEK MILL!!! HOW CAN WE BE RACIST!!!"

if jay all of a sudden comes out and says travis scott is ok for playing the superbowl and stuff like that, then we will see that that was the goal. but its too early to call right now, gotta see what the larger plan is.
Why do billionaires who bankroll politicians to deny affordable health care, care about the well being of black men?
black people are easily influenced by our entertainers.
To my point fam, Jayz understand with his resources and viewpoint. That the prison system injustice is a symptom of a much larger problem. If he can bring billionaires to the table to listen....If you had HIV, and the HIV cause a cold that affected you enough to almost kill u. Why would you take meds to cure the cold, when you have the means to cure the HIV?