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Added to Calendar: 06-16-24

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I'm riding with whichever side got House Velaryon

Finally got a black house and niggas gotta think about who to ride with

Look at this traitor, who cares which Targ wins. I forgot you did side with the guy who bent the knee to them
Yup, thas the homie.

and you already know It's still NAWF and StarkSet over here... but this series is about Targaryens.

I dont know much about this story but im hoping the Starks and Velaryons are on the same side. If they are.. the choice has already been made lol

You're both out
I got no horse in this race, every Targ death by the hands of another Targ is welcomed

Meh. Targs and Starks are natural allies. Seems to be a pretty persistent theme across the board.

Starks and Baratheons(Targ Descendants) always been tight..
A Stark married a Targ and gave birth to the King in the NAWF
Arya and Gendry are close

I have no reason to beef with Targs anymore. Aint nothin to beef about.. We already won the game of thrones lol
Meh. Targs and Starks are natural allies. Seems to be a pretty persistent theme across the board.

Starks and Baratheons(Targ Descendants) always been tight..
A Stark married a Targ and gave birth to the King in the NAWF
Arya and Gendry are close

I have no reason to beef with Targs anymore. Aint nothin to beef about.. We already won the game of thrones lol
There is no king in the north, he bent the knee and gave the north to the targ girl. Lady Mormant was disgusted just like I was
Is this skipping over
Aegon, Visenya, and Rhaenys and their initial conquest of Westeros?
It kind of seemed like that. Either that or they're not going to delve into them much and it's about their descendants
Meh. Targs and Starks are natural allies. Seems to be a pretty persistent theme across the board.

Starks and Baratheons(Targ Descendants) always been tight..
A Stark married a Targ and gave birth to the King in the NAWF
Arya and Gendry are close

I have no reason to beef with Targs anymore. Aint nothin to beef about.. We already won the game of thrones lol
Lol...the Starks and Baratheons have NOT always been tight....that friendship between those houses in GOT was relatively new...
Is this skipping over
Aegon, Visenya, and Rhaenys and their initial conquest of Westeros?
It kind of seemed like that. Either that or they're not going to delve into them much and it's about their descendants
Yes....it's about 120 years afterwards