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Poll House N*gga Court [ Vol.1]: Terry Crews

Is Terry Crews A Coon?

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Its just so weird man.

Like i wish he would just day all lives matter and support white supremacy like the rest of these mfers.

Hes the only one using this say no to black supremacy angle and no ones even talking about black supremacy. Not even racist whites been talking about that.

He needs to get his ass whooped
Almost seems pathological

Because from a practical standpoint white America loves him already. Yet he still feels he has to prove he can host The View.
Hes just trying to maintain his position with massa as number 1 token

equality for black people means competition for him
I honestly wouldn't call TC a 'coon'. It's more accurate to say that he's a confused nigga, who doesn't seem to really even understand what people's problems are with his statements. But I think he's being GENUINE. It's just GENUINELY moronic.

I save 'coon' for niggas like Candace Owens: Those who know EXACTLY what they are doing, but keep doing because it's beneficial to them, to the detriment of everything else.
I honestly wouldn't call TC a 'coon'. It's more accurate to say that he's a confused nigga, who doesn't seem to really even understand what people's problems are with his statements. But I think he's being GENUINE. It's just GENUINELY moronic.

I save 'coon' for niggas like Candace Owens: Those who know EXACTLY what they are doing, but keep doing because it's beneficial to them, to the detriment of everything else.
I think You're giving him too much credit

He's the left wing Candace