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NSFW Hot4lexi

It’s crazy that this girl is only 18/19 and she is getting turned out on camera every week. It’s nothing new another 18 year old gets into porn EVERY DAY. Twerk team is almost 30 or in their early 30s and don’t do that. Thairy, Rosa Acosta, Bria Myles all of them 35 - 45 don’t bust it open and just tease all damn day online and people have known them for a decade and more. Everyone is different I guess
It’s crazy that this girl is only 18/19 and she is getting turned out on camera every week. It’s nothing new another 18 year old gets into porn EVERY DAY. Twerk team is almost 30 or in their early 30s and don’t do that. Thairy, Rosa Acosta, Bria Myles all of them 35 - 45 don’t bust it open and just tease all damn day online and people have known them for a decade and more. Everyone is different I guess

Some new gen hoes don’t got time to waste, life is short

bust it open today bcuz someone might bust ya head open tomorrow