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Hitting Rock Bottom: How you gonna pick ya'self up


Doctorate & Ph.D in Bootyology
A hypothetical situation fo' da 9tre...

So aight BOOM! Life Kung Fu kicks you in the face. An unfortunate situation in ya life occurs where you hit rock bottom.

You lose your job/career and struggling to get another one.

Financial situation takes a fatal blow to where all your accounts is depleted.

Majority of the family turn their backs on you.

Friends go M.I.A on you.

Housing situation is lookin bleek.

It's ALL bad.

You've hit rock bottom.

So now...how do YOU plan on picking ya'self back up?
Taling some time to yourself to take it all in
Forgive yourself
Be true to who you are and honest about what happened and why.
slowly pick up the pieces and take a good look around to see who’s there with you.
Begin moving forward with a plan
As someone who went thru a period where I felt like I was at rock bottom...I have an idea on what to do.

I know I can always move back in wit my Dad. At least until I get back on my feet.

S/o will hold me down. But I know it'll put a strain on us, b/c I wouldn't want to burden her wit my issues. She'll get pissed if don't come to her for help.

As far as finding employment...I'll probably struggle. B/c I know my pride in some way will get in the way. Probably will have to bite the bullet and see if I can get my old job back. People working there was cool af. I just despised the people calling.

As for what kinda mental toll my rock bottom situation would take on me...I think I'll be fine. I know I'll have my moments, but nothin extreme. This is where my sis comes in. She's helped me wit her advice b4.

That's essentially my plan. And once I'm back on my feet...best believe I'm keeping receipts on everyone who turned their backs on me.
Man ive done survived on the 99 cent pasta with no sauce, just butter or oil for months. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

The first murders the worst.

I been through rock bottom, having to wrap myself in towels and then throw the bedsheet on top cause its winter and the heat not working.

Went through it once and made it out. Not worried about it happening again now that I know I can make it out the shit.
Basically where I've been for the last few years. Fell apart, almost lost my sanity and my family in the process, stuck it out, pulled it together in therapy, made some moves to reposition us financially, got kicked in the gut when I lost my wife but pulled through that thanks to the groundwork laid during therapy. Made another move and tightened us up financially, and now I'm here. I still need a "reset", so to speak, and to that end I'm moving us back to Michigan soon. I need to get back on solid ground and ain't no place more solid than the crib with my moms, siblings, cousins, step parents, etc.

The worst thing you can do is plan…

Its like being depressed, the worst thing you can do is try to be happy..

nah..let’s work on not feeling like shit first..we can be happy one day, but let’s not feel like a filthy piece of shit first.

So..the best thing you can do in that situation, is find some small victory and cling to it until it doesn’t do anything for you anymore, and just repeat that process until you are motivated to be something again.
My car paid for. So I'll use that as my primary income.

Also being outside all day is like side quests in a video game.. You'll find a way to make money.

My charm is impeccable so I'll find a shorty or two to stay with.

And niggaz always need a bouncer.

I'll be good in 2-3 months easy 🤷🏿‍♂️
instead of using high octane fuel i had to use economy for about a good month... is that considered hitting rock bottom?
Man ive done survived on the 99 cent pasta with no sauce, just butter or oil for months. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

The first murders the worst.

I been through rock bottom, having to wrap myself in towels and then throw the bedsheet on top cause its winter and the heat not working.

Went through it once and made it out. Not worried about it happening again now that I know I can make it out the shit.

So nobody is gonna address @AZTG, huh? Nobody at all.

Aight bet.

Bruh...I didn't know what you was talking about until I read the part Freeman bolded and enlarged...then re-read AZTG post. LOL!!

And what makes it so bad...I read his post the 1st time and completely shrugged THAT part off. B/c I thought it was a mistype on some...

"Maybe he meant to say this? Or copied that from somewhere else and accidentally pasted in his post?"

I got an MBA and CPA so I’ll get work regardless. But if some shit happened where I was set up to take the fall on some bullshit and couldn’t find corporate work in my field, I’m sure I’d figure something out. Tap into my network and family connections to get work. My family is full of lawyers and doctors and architects so I’m sure somebody would need some accounting work. Probably bite the bullet and do their taxes and shit (I hate taxes).
I got an MBA and CPA so I’ll get work regardless. But if some shit happened where I was set up to take the fall on some bullshit and couldn’t find corporate work in my field, I’m sure I’d figure something out. Tap into my network and family connections to get work. My family is full of lawyers and doctors and architects so I’m sure somebody would need some accounting work. Probably bite the bullet and do their taxes and shit (I hate taxes).
You a Capricorn right?

I can’t explain it, but this post smells like Capricorn