Imagine co-creating a global culture but this question is still being asked 50 years laterWho are these Puerto Ricans he is talking about?
And here comes the tethers telling liesLmao if we are being honest it's one of the worst spin offs
Lovers rock>>>>>>>>>>>
Tell people stop selling their own stuffthis a goofy ass convo imo. How bout we wrestle back control of distribution and ownership from those OTHERS that control it right now instead of crying about who was the first muhfucka to pop lock
See. You know the FACT is black Americans were the first mf to pop lock. Why is acknowledging that so hard for y'all? Instead of giving us credit where it's due you say it doesn't matter and pivot. It matters to the CREATORS inori. Keemz nosigns a video of the actual pioneers, infamous in here giggling, blue is outright LYING talking about some dead ass fad that came and went. Notice the common thread with yall is you're all from immigrant backgrounds and can't give black Americans props straight up. It's some passive aggressive hostile shit. I keep telling you this is why we are delineating because we're tired of our culture being taken and diluted and disrespectedinstead of crying about who was the first muhfucka to pop lock