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Hip Hop Pop Quiz

I'll give both players points cuz i had to edit the end of the question.

Word - 6
Ben - 2

Last question: Name the 6 hip hop artists who have diamond albums.​
Word redeemed himself from last game lol

Word - 7
Ben - 2

I'll send yall the bread for today's game shortly.

Thanks for playing ABW's Hip Hop Pop Quiz!​
I'll make the game more easier from now on and make the harder questions worth more money.
I only lost tha first game because of 2 punk ass TLC questions...I don’t even count that as a loss
I woulda killed for sum TLC questions...

Woulda been like...


"You Got it Bad!"

"Andre Rison!"

And you woulda been wrong af just like me my nigga cuz tha answers were shit like All That and Ceelo Green smh lol

Those answers are so mind bottling that I bet I’ll know them next time tho...
Ceelo Green is a hip hop legend, no excuse for that shit fam :uk:

I’ve gone back and listened to that song and I don’t hear that nigga voice no where bruh...I think Dallas Austin just owed Ceelo money for some weed and gave that nigga some points on tha song...I call HOGWASH and I’m officially protesting tha outcome of my 1st game G...
The extent of my TLC trivial knowledge begins and ends with always remembering you could see T Boz’s underboob in that Creep video
