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Hibachi from DoDonPachi DaiOuJou Black Label.

Zatsuza from DoDonPachi DaiFukkatsu Black Label

Yellow Devil from Mega Man

Plutonium Boss (final boss) from Blaster Master (NES)

This one... it ain't that the boss itself is hard, but just getting to the boss with enough of anything is damned near impossible. I played this game from the time I got it new in '89 and never beat it until... I wanna say 2006 or so. The problem is there are a limited number of continues and no option to save what so ever. No continue codes or battery backup. This means the game has to be beaten in one sitting... and the last two worlds you go through are far more difficult than the first six.

I had to beat it with an emulator 'cause I gave away my NES around '96 and I refused to use save states in the emulator. Had to beat it as if I was playing on a real NES.
Boss from Kingdom Hearts. I died so many fucking times on that final boss, think his name was riku. Everytime you died you had to rewatch the 2-4 Minute cut scene prior to the fight and it felt like an eternity.

Cant fucking wait for Kingdom Hearts 3.
Fucks with him in real life....FUCK HIM on Nintendo. Bitch was hard as a muhfuck to beat.

I have yet to beat that muthafucca. Hell I was happy I survived the 1st round
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I forget if it was 2k or Live, but it was where you had to beat Jordan to make him a playable character to play as him on any team you picked.

That nigga was un fucking beatable, he never missed had lock down D. I just gave up on that shit
Senator Armstrong on Metal Gear Rising.

I never beat him and took the game back to gamestop too.

F**K that game

Got a notification about this. Still never beat dude. Had to fight a giant Metal gear then Senator Armstrong. It's still F this game to thos day.....hardest boss I've ever played easily
