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COMMUNITY Guess The Posters Voice.

I was watching how seth mcfarlene did the voices for family and saw he normally does them all at one time switching back n forth from characters and been practicing this week doing it like that. What yall think of my chinese food order clip lol

This was off the top of my head, i haven't started writing scenes yet

I was watching how seth mcfarlene did the voices for family and saw he normally does them all at one time switching back n forth from characters and been practicing this week doing it like that. What yall think of my chinese food order clip lol

This was off the top of my head, i haven't started writing scenes yet


That's my first time ever trying to do a chinese impression lol I normally just make up voices just to fuck around but i never actually sat down and tried to practice. Ima see what i can cook up in the next couple weeks.
Lmao I can't disguise this country shit fr fr. I quit lolll.

I would play again but my country accent is going to be displayed & everyone is going to figure the poster out like

I would play again but my country accent is going to be displayed & everyone is going to figure the poster out like

The struggle or nah? I actually did a Chinese lady the other day. Im glad Kandy didn't post it and the clips expire after 24hrs lol.