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Goat Discography: Nas VS Jay-z

Which One You Got?

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Street Disciple is one of if not only double album with zero fillers. Each song stood on its own.
It was a well-crafted album but again, the beats selection for many songs were the album's downfall.

For those who've really listened to the album would know what I am talking about.
I think NaS is a better artist because he knows who he works well with. Jayz is better at crafting radio songs whereas NaS doesn't seem to give a fuck about it. Jay thinks money whereas NaS thinks more artistry.

Also I never had a problem with NaS beat selection and I notice it's casual fans who skim thru NaS albums who bring up production. MOST of NaS albums are well produced, LIG, Untitled, Hip-hop Is Dead, Gods Son, Stillmatic even I Am. But you gotta understand it's a whole generation who didn't come up on NaS who came up on mumble rappers and trap beats who aren't gonna like NaS or 90s albums at all....

You are 100% right on the first bold quote.

In reference to the second quote: even people born in the early 80s such as myself be talking down on Nas' music too lol.

But let's be honest though... Nas do be in his own world with some of the beats he selects lol... Most times I am fine with them and seek the art.
Live Now/Rest Of my Life

lol when we did the goat storytelling tournament a few months back that Nas shit wasn't even mentioned , Meet The Parent was in the final four or final 6, cut it out fam.
As much as I grew up listening to Pac/Big and other artists in the 90's, I really didn't start buying Jay-Z albums until like '00-01 w/The Dynasty. I really didn't buy a Nas album until '08 though (During the 00's I wasn't crazy about buying a lot of albums b/c of the garbage the industry was putting out) but I did go back and check for stillmatic & God's Son and I knew about his commercial joints.

Tbh, Jay has the better overall discography but if MCHG and 4:44 wasn't release I would have said Nas solo albums from that '06-09 period were better than the ones Jay put out at the time.

Although, I can also be honest an say both of them have at least 3 bad albums in their catalog.
It all comes down to personal preference...how anybody can think Jay has better albums than Nas is crazy to me but to each his own I guess.

Mine the opposite.

But at the same time up here is the only place I seen that was feeling Nasir (the album) like that. So I get it
Nas for me. Both MCs have their fair share of stuff I dont like and lackluster albums, but nas always did the rap I like while jay z, who made great music, also did a lot of club type records and made more stuff I didn't enjoy. Love the fuck out of both discographies though.
Street's Disciple is trash and I've only heard it being fondly reminisced over on here.

Mind you, Nas is #2 behind Pac in my overall personal top 10.