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NSFW Gemstar

I’m an engineer and I currently make over $100,000. Trust me when these hoes get old and lose their sex appeal they won’t make nearly as much money as you do. In the long run you’ll make more than them.

Or, just move on and be happy with your life regardless of what others make. Finding happiness only through validation or the misfortune of others is a pathetic way to live.
Bro, earlier I used to get mad about this all the time. But you know I just accepted this fact, as it was affecting my mental health a lot because I am doing engineering and in the end i know, i will get a 50000 salary job, and these 18 yr old onlyfans models will be banking 1 million a year. I accepted the fact that "Sex and Music sells". That's it. Now i don't worry about it at all and neither should any men out there. Enjoy life.
Yea man. This should NOT be affecting your mental health. Im honestly not trying to be funny but thats some serial killer shit....getting upset about women who you dont even remotely know showing some ass on the internet? Im glad you at least recognize thats its affecting you in a negative way. Trust me man...no person should feel that strongly about some internet models....so youre in the right direction in checking yourself. Take a break from the sexy part of the internet for a while. No one wants to turn into some weirdo angry pervert who hates women bc of the fucking INTERNET. its literally crazy. So yeah...take some time off.
Yea man. This should NOT be affecting your mental health. Im honestly not trying to be funny but thats some serial killer shit....getting upset about women who you dont even remotely know showing some ass on the internet? Im glad you at least recognize thats its affecting you in a negative way. Trust me man...no person should feel that strongly about some internet models....so youre in the right direction in checking yourself. Take a break from the sexy part of the internet for a while. No one wants to turn into some weirdo angry pervert who hates women bc of the fucking INTERNET. its literally crazy. So yeah...take some time off.
Man this hoe is garbage.......go to a strip club if you wanna spend money on women you don't know, at least you're have a 50/50 chance.
I never in my life seen so many guys complaining about free xxx content if you not feeling her go somewhere else it’s that simple why continue to watch if you not feeling her shit this shit can’t be that serious then jokers talking bout they mentally stressed over what what the fuck is wrong with y’all lol this can’t be real listen I appreciate you guys who continue to post content
For real tho her booty lookin a bit pancake in those vids. Bout to Pour some maple syrup over that azz.
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