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Gay roles in a movie.

Fuck yeah

You'd get the credibility if the performance is strong enough, great pay like you said and potentially the critical acclaim.

You're an actor, you're paid to play someone else to entertain people. I don't agree with serial killers but if I were an actor and had to do a thriller where I have to play one and the director is dope I'd play the fuck out that role.

Me and lurk out after 10 in the Benz
Bout to Hit up oak room and look for some mens

He opens up his index for the niggas who go to the gym for neck day, he circles the name Antwan and I say damn okay

Lmaooo yo I cant stand this nigga
This is horse shit and reeks of insecurity. So Al Pacino in Dog Day Afternoon or Will Smith playing a gay person is "damaging" to their integrity ? You are an actor, you are paid to play other people. Is it damaging for Sean Penn to play Harvey Milk who was a politician who was wrongly gunned down for trying to make a difference in his community ? A movie that later went on to garner critical acclaim and is a modern classic ? If the role is purely offensive in the context that it seeks to make fun of or embarrass an important matter then you might be able to say that, but if you're playing Omar from the wire, Harvey Milk, Raoul Silva in Skyfall, Adrian Viedt from Watchmen, Tom Hanks in Philadelphia, etc. There is nothing wrong with that.

Mahershala Ali and Will Smith are still massive icons in the black community for their leadership without question and are two of the most successful actors in the world and in history right now. Same goes for Al Pacino and the aforementioned.

You niggas are just insecure about your own sexuality and it's the source of your homophobia SMMFH. On ABW you're a tough guy but in real life I guarantee you have family and friends who are gay and you prolly don't even know it.
Fam if you wanna do gay shit for money, do you bro. Live ya life.
I'm not an actor so I wouldn't love the craft enough to do it. But if I were a serious actor and the character and script were good I couldn't see how I would turn it down. I wouldn't compromise my boundaries though, but that'd be given for any role.
Yea, so I don't say anything politically incorrect.... Imma just say my love for acting ain't that fucking deep

What kinda role are we talking here? Like do I just say... "hi everybody I'm gay" or does it involve... activities?

Am I allowed to be just a regular guy who happens to be gay or do I gotta wear poom poom shorts and talk with a lisp?
acting gay and shooting a gay sex scene are two waaaaaaay different things

i thought about this shit when i saw the moon light movie

idk mane.....im secure but i'd have a lotta trouble with that lmao

Straight up sex scenes are too much. Omar Little is one of my favorite TV character and he was.....gay. Would you play a character like Omar Little?

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Fuck yeah

You'd get the credibility if the performance is strong enough, great pay like you said and potentially the critical acclaim.

You're an actor, you're paid to play someone else to entertain people. I don't agree with serial killers but if I were an actor and had to do a thriller where I have to play one and the director is dope I'd play the fuck out that role.

That's very true. I don't think the average person would have a problem with playing a gay man if he was an actor. It's part of you job to play differenct roles. However, It becomes an issue when it's sex scenes. Even though it's only acting very few straight men want to be nude making out and engage in explicit sex scences with another man. I'd turn down a gay role like that in a heartbeat and I don't give a damn if the director is dope.
Straight up sex scenes are too much but Omar Little is one of my favorite TV character and he was.....gay. Would you play a character like Omar Little?


again if I was an actor I probably would

Omars character is a reality....its a lotta them niggas

he had to know how impactful that would be to the show

and he killed the role btw