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Gavin Newsom vs Ron Desantis Debate

The hilarious part is that the foolish that believe his non-sense.

It's always the right (Conservatives/Trump) for the problems of the whoooooole entire States. I'm so glad I'm one of the last niggas on this platform to be a democrat. Heck, even tho Biden was crying about this border issue w/ a Jew even before Orange man got in office when he was a VP, it's somehow miraculously Orange man's fault.
I wonder how much this correlates to paying folks pennies and having them rely on tips rather than a living wage and the shock of actually having to pay real money for labour didnt fit into their business models.. 🤔

Fast food chains might not have the same issue but still might be an issue for others
Where's the money coming from?
bring on that universal basic income!
Wut?? Lol

Lmao I think they both get a kick outta this

I'm not a fan of Newsome at all but to pretend like everyone wasn't confused at the time about how dangerous the virus was is as ignorant as bashing Newsome for his decisions. As bad as the shut down was for many, it also seemed necessary at the time. They should start treating general crime as a reason to shut down, because the crime rate post-opening everything back up as been ridiculous. Grill him on crime and the DA's decisions on being soft, if anything.