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Yeah not until the guy say that in a review did I even think of the comparison

If someone can find a friend or two to play this with I’m sure its fun

The 20 hours to beat gives me pause though
20 hours too long in your opinion or you want more?
I'm not interested in games that look too cartoony, we're in an era where better graphics are available to stop making games like those
You know what I meant lol
Lol just say you don’t like this art style and you only like AAA big budget games

But you really deprive yourself from a lot of stuff like that

The point is to have fun man

Hogwarts looking expensive and “realistic” didn’t help now did it? Lol horizon 2? FF16?

Hello? Lol
I'm not interested in games that look too cartoony, we're in an era where better graphics are available to stop making games like those

I said the same about pokemon and @Sony Montana called bullshit

It’s over man

I booted it up not too long ago and was at a part where I died from humans because the melee combat is ass

I’m cool

lol nah get the fuck outa here we seen your videos fam.. the melee combat aint ass your hand eye coordination is