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Long post incoming.

Let’s talk about Bran becoming King for a second...

The concept, I’m fine with. In the first book, the first POV chapter is his. They show Ned teaching him some harsh responsibilities for being a Lord when he executes the NW deserter. He’s the one kinda responsible for all the Stark kids adopting the direwolves. They show him being trained to fight, when he sparred against Tommen. He discovered Jaime and Cersei in the Tower. Him getting pushed set into motion a chain of events that led to the War of the 5 Kings. He has visions and majority of the supernatural stuff revolves around him. He becomes the child of some kind of destiny

You can make a legit case for him actually being the main character.

But after 8 seasons, do you feel like the show earned that? They made him take a whole season off because they knew the way they were moving his story along was kinda trash because they left a lot of book context out.

The show (tries to) builds his character as the anti NK. He becomes this 3 eyed raven. And he’s not really Bran anymore. He has a higher purpose as it pertains to the Others/White Walkers.

But, they kill the NK basically without his help. He gave Arya the dagger, sure... but there was other Valyrian steel already there. Whatever. Claims that Jon NEEDS to know about his parentage (did he really?) as if that would be important in this ultimate battle vs the NK.

So boom... army of the dead comes down to winter fall and we get the spectacular battle episode. He sits and waits in the Gods Wood as bait. (Ok... this has to be symbolic or something, right? Nah... didn’t mean shit) when shit hits the fan, this nigga just wargs out to do... what exactly? They never tell us.

Anyway, Arya hits the NK with the Valyrian steel banger and kills him. So what was his (3 eyed a raven) actual purpose or relationship as it pertained to the NK? He was a target why? Did it matter?

Aight... War is over. He spent the better part of the last 2 seasons telling us he wasn’t Bran anymore. And that he doesn’t want anything. And he lives in the past. (Pssh... whatever that means) so they hide him again for 2 episodes.

Fast forward to this council. He’s there for no explainable reason. The man in chains who’s fate they were supposed to be deciding, all of a sudden is in control of the proceedings and dictates the fate of the 7 kingdoms going forward? Why?!

Whatever... there’s at least 5 people there who KNOW FOR A FACT that Jon is the rightful heir, and no one mentions it? I know, I know...

“I don’t want it!”*Jon Snow voice*

But still...

Guy in chains: “I nominate the omniscient crippled, half a vegetable nigga...”

8 fully functional adults without a single brain cell devoted to critical thinking: “Bet.”

Bran-notBranIdon’twantanythinganymore Stark: “Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrppppp!!!! That’s why I’m here nigga. It’s what I’ve always wanted.


It dawned on no one... That they guy who knew everything planted that “Jon is the true heir” seed, knowing full well the schism it would create between Jon and Dany, causing Dany to go “mad” and slaughter thousands of innocent civilians and Jon, in turn, to murder her and get his bastard ass banished all the way the fuck outta here back to the wall to make way FOR HIMSELF TO BE KING?!!!!!

Just roll with it.

Now look... if that be the case. If the 3 eyed raven been playing everybody on some Machiavellian Illuminati shit... woke up the WWs, seized on the oppurtunity of war and discord in the 7 kingdoms, to lure Bran north of the wall to possess his body for his powerful, preternatural green sight ability, to maneuver himself into position to be the perpetual ruler of westeros, by way of never having to worry about succession because he can continuously possess the bodies of young men who are born with the greensight...


But I feel like that deserved a bit of fleshing out.

And if it’s not the case and we just take it at face value, and Tyrion just picked Bran on a humbug... it’s fucking stupid.
Long post incoming.

Let’s talk about Bran becoming King for a second...

The concept, I’m fine with. In the first book, the first POV chapter is his. They show Ned teaching him some harsh responsibilities for being a Lord when he executes the NW deserter. He’s the one kinda responsible for all the Stark kids adopting the direwolves. They show him being trained to fight, when he sparred against Tommen. He discovered Jaime and Cersei in the Tower. Him getting pushed set into motion a chain of events that led to the War of the 5 Kings. He has visions and majority of the supernatural stuff revolves around him. He becomes the child of some kind of destiny

You can make a legit case for him actually being the main character.

But after 8 seasons, do you feel like the show earned that? They made him take a whole season off because they knew the way they were moving his story along was kinda trash because they left a lot of book context out.

The show (tries to) builds his character as the anti NK. He becomes this 3 eyed raven. And he’s not really Bran anymore. He has a higher purpose as it pertains to the Others/White Walkers.

But, they kill the NK basically without his help. He gave Arya the dagger, sure... but there was other Valyrian steel already there. Whatever. Claims that Jon NEEDS to know about his parentage (did he really?) as if that would be important in this ultimate battle vs the NK.

So boom... army of the dead comes down to winter fall and we get the spectacular battle episode. He sits and waits in the Gods Wood as bait. (Ok... this has to be symbolic or something, right? Nah... didn’t mean shit) when shit hits the fan, this nigga just wargs out to do... what exactly? They never tell us.

Anyway, Arya hits the NK with the Valyrian steel banger and kills him. So what was his (3 eyed a raven) actual purpose or relationship as it pertained to the NK? He was a target why? Did it matter?

Aight... War is over. He spent the better part of the last 2 seasons telling us he wasn’t Bran anymore. And that he doesn’t want anything. And he lives in the past. (Pssh... whatever that means) so they hide him again for 2 episodes.

Fast forward to this council. He’s there for no explainable reason. The man in chains who’s fate they were supposed to be deciding, all of a sudden is in control of the proceedings and dictates the fate of the 7 kingdoms going forward? Why?!

Whatever... there’s at least 5 people there who KNOW FOR A FACT that Jon is the rightful heir, and no one mentions it? I know, I know...

“I don’t want it!”*Jon Snow voice*

But still...

Guy in chains: “I nominate the omniscient crippled, half a vegetable nigga...”

8 fully functional adults without a single brain cell devoted to critical thinking: “Bet.”

Bran-notBranIdon’twantanythinganymore Stark: “Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrppppp!!!! That’s why I’m here nigga. It’s what I’ve always wanted.


It dawned on no one... That they guy who knew everything planted that “Jon is the true heir” seed, knowing full well the schism it would create between Jon and Dany, causing Dany to go “mad” and slaughter thousands of innocent civilians and Jon, in turn, to murder her and get his bastard ass banished all the way the fuck outta here back to the wall to make way FOR HIMSELF TO BE KING?!!!!!

Just roll with it.

Now look... if that be the case. If the 3 eyed raven been playing everybody on some Machiavellian Illuminati shit... woke up the WWs, seized on the oppurtunity of war and discord in the 7 kingdoms, to lure Bran north of the wall to possess his body for his powerful, preternatural green sight ability, to maneuver himself into position to be the perpetual ruler of westeros, by way of never having to worry about succession because he can continuously possess the bodies of young men who are born with the greensight...


But I feel like that deserved a bit of fleshing out.

And if it’s not the case and we just take it at face value... it’s fucking stupid.

Low key I think I accidentally figured it out.

The 3 eyed Raven been playing the game of thrones this whole time.

Nigga woke up the WWs. They wasn’t coming to kill him because he knew history...they was mad AF for him disturbing them.
He was the voice in the Mad King’s head telling him to “burn them all”.
Sent them direwolves to the Starks.
Sent visions to Bran.
Sent visions to Jojen.
Lured Bran (his new body) north.
Sent Jaqen to Arya.
Sent them visions in the flames to Melisandre, so her Davos and Stannis would link up with Jon and help bring Tormund and the Wildlings down.
Used Bran to do that time travel fuckup on Hodor, because he needed his retard strength to get Bran North, and again to help him escape the cave and WWs.
Possessed Bran.
Used the WWs and the Army of the Dead to nerf Dany’s Army and Dragons.
Used Dany and Jon to remove Cersei then turn them against each other.
Filled the power void himself.
Low key I think I accidentally figured it out.

The 3 eyed Raven been playing the game of thrones this whole time.

Nigga woke up the WWs. They wasn’t coming to kill him because he knew history...they was mad AF for him disturbing them.
He was the voice in the Mad King’s head telling him to “burn them all”.
Sent them direwolves to the Starks.
Sent visions to Bran.
Sent visions to Jojen.
Lured Bran (his new body) north.
Sent Jaqen to Arya.
Sent them visions in the flames to Melisandre, so her Davos and Stannis would link up with Jon and help bring Tormund and the Wildlings down.
Used Bran to do that time travel fuckup on Hodor, because he needed his retard strength to get Bran North, and again to help him escape the cave and WWs.
Possessed Bran.
Used the WWs and the Army of the Dead to nerf Dany’s Army and Dragons.
Used Dany and Jon to remove Cersei then turn them against each other.
Filled the power void himself.

I know you being sarcastic but the mad king shit did cross my mind like what if he drove that nigga crazy like he did hodor and it just manifested wild different and made that nigga try to kill everybody? Plausible.
So the raven before him meant to get clapped? Death is for everybody bro.

well it took the Night King to kill him and wasn't he stuck in that tree?

I think he stayed in the past or future too long and that's how he got stuck in that tree.

So even if he saw it coming there was nothing he could do.

Niggas ain't touching Bran the broken
Well it's because they didn't have GRRM's writing to give you all the great storytelling to fill in those gaps so they left it vague.

I assume they felt it was horrible like them.

There's a Nights Watch because they said they need somewhere to send broken ppl and bastards

but also it's tradition

and also the Night King was driven back before and came back and now they know the threat can be real.That shit just happened.

Yea but the Night King wasnt killed before. He dead and gone now.

Im trying figure out who rebuilt the fucked up part of the Wall tho. That shit was magic an shit.
Wtf happened to Meera Reed who was with Bran for like 4 seasons. Her father knew everything about Jon and for whatever reason he never pops up?
Maybe I just didn't read through everything clearly enough, but what is the fundamental problem people have with the finale. I get why people say the season was weak. I agree with that. HBO wanted it to be 10 episodes. It probably should have been 10 episodes. But it seems to me that people are suggesting that things just don't fit in the way it was executed. I don't agree with that, and that's why I also believe that people are just complaining because they don't like the outcomes.

The evil Lannisters died.
The not so bad Lannister lives but is forced to pay penance.
The Stark that wanted to be queen but was broken, rose up to become queen after all.
The wayward Stark fulfilled her family duties and has gone back to being the wanderer she always was.
The bastard returned to the first place where he was ever truly accepted.
The Stark with the grandiose fate has achieved a grandiose position.
The Targayan despite her best intentions couldn't avoid the curse of her blood and died as a result.
And all the supporting characters either died or found their position in the new world.

Basically, the story of GoT revolves around the problems created because of royalty in Westeros and lineal succession. They've abolished lineal succession and started anew with a king that has the kind of foresight needed to turn things around for the realm. I believe they dropped the ball with the NK storyline and there is no helping that, but everything else was given a resolution even if it wasn't the most preferred resolution.

It was trash. A show that built its name off of bitter sweet ending and gray characters ended on some Disney shit. Sansa being Queen in the North was cool but not needed when your brother is the Emperor. Bran dont do shit but speak in riddles but because he a psychic that makes him a good King. Tyrion gets to do exactly what he been doing. And all these nobles aint learn shit.
well it took the Night King to kill him and wasn't he stuck in that tree?

I think he stayed in the past or future too long and that's how he got stuck in that tree.

So even if he saw it coming there was nothing he could do.

Niggas ain't touching Bran the broken
He stuck himself in the tree cause trees live longer than humans.

Niggas already touched bran.

And call him bran the broken again like he wasn't broken from episode 1. I hate y'all.
Well it's because they didn't have GRRM's writing to give you all the great storytelling to fill in those gaps so they left it vague.

I assume they felt it was horrible like them.

There's a Nights Watch because they said they need somewhere to send broken ppl and bastards

but also it's tradition

and also the Night King was driven back before and came back and now they know the threat can be real.That shit just happened.
I dont buy that running out of book material shit. They started diverging off the books in s3 and s6 is one of the better seasons and they had barely any book material then. D&D can write decent to good shit without the books.

The nights watch is obviously gonna be different moving forward cuz ain't no more night king and WW. So we coulda used a convo about what that would look like.
This season only suffered from there not being at least 2 more seasons ahead of it... Even if the books end the same way I expect the journey to that point will be far better...