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Game of Thrones TV Show creators David Benioff and D.B. Weiss admit they didn't know what the hell they were doing

Its really GRRM fault cuz thats his legacy, his lifes work and he didnt give more guidance during the final seasons. More importantly he had like 10 years to finish this book hes working on, S7 would have been better at least if there was one more book to go off of

he buckled under pressure once the show got huge and didnt know how to finish it
Even with the books not finished they should've just made folks wait longer and wrote a better final 2 seasons.

No way you build up the white walkers for that got damn long to have them go out like that. That bullshit ain't have shit to do with the books that shit all on them IMO.

They just flat out fucked that up themselves
Shit got me mad as hell. Like they're really just throwing it in our faces.