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lol niggas overhyped all sorts of shit in their own minds and get pissed when it doesn't meet their expectations.

"Yeah see so the Hound was then supposed to take a log thats on fire and burn the MOUNTAINS Face! and.. and then as the mountains face is still burning the hound calls him a cunt and kicks him out of the window right as drogon flies by and eats him! Then the Hound stumbles back to the ground level and Arya looks at him with pride in her eyes and tosses him a cooked chicken"

Anything other than that is....


LMFAO facts.Niggas think TV is interactive and they got a say so in what happens and if that don't happen they're mad,but GOT been about doing what you thought they wouldn't do.

That's why I like it.

There was so many call backs,moral questions,and subtle things in this ep

I think ppl are rushing to judgement

it's crazy how similar the attack on Winterfell was like the attack on KL,but KL was Winterfell and Dany and Jon were like the dead

Jaime and Cersei if dead dying together was twisted romance

Jon not wanting to fuck his aunt is in direct contrast to jaimie fucking his sister and dying with her.

So many little things that I'm sure we'll talk about in the upcoming weeks or yrs.
I think you're making the NK out to he more than he was. He showed no indication that he was unbeatable or very intelligent. So out of character what ? People are mad because they wanted Jon to do it and you're mad because you chose a team destined to lose but wanted some glorious LOTR death. The NK was still a force, he destroyed two thirds of their army, destroyed Winterfell, killed a whole dragon and still made it to his destination. Arya has been training her whole life as an assassin and the one time we saw a white walker fight Jon it lasted 2 minutes. I don't know what glorious battle needed to be done to satisfy his character. If anyone was more equipped it was Arya. It honestly didn't matter what his end goal was. His goal was destruction and he got it.

Again almost every character on the show has gotten everything they ever wanted and lost it due to hubris, greed or power drunk. This show is about the relationships between characters and also the social game of power. It is often the root of many great tales that end tragically. Scarface had everything and got careless, Cersei got all she wanted but lost everything in the process, Ramsay got all he ever wanted but his insecurities destroyed him, Triggerfinger got all he wanted and then more but his greed and love of chaos defeated him. Thanos got the gauntlet and ended up destroying the stones in the end. Macbeth became King and had the world in his hands and again his fears destroyed his kingdom. Just classic tales and GOT is no different.

Power is like a fruit. It ripens with age and then after a while it begins to rot. IRL these kings, queens, politicians or powerful leaders rarely die on the battlefield. They get overthrown from within, get poisoned, killed by someone else, or whatever. It's never glorious. If you're willing to be objective this show has a lot of gems you can learn from.

That last paragraph was on some luttlefinger shit lol
Even thought The Walking Dead has fell off,I still watch it and enjoy it though and it's also still must see Tv for me.

Kinda dope how TWD is going into feature films.Kinda historic

When Rick comes back for these 3 movies,that's gonna be craaaazy so I can't shit on TWD.

I actually liked this last season of TWD a lot,but it ain't the same w/out Gangster Grimes.

TWD is probably my 3rd fav show after GOT and Westworld and American Horror Story is high up there for me too.
No im just saying the prequel will be about the long night right? Thats boring. Knoghts vs zombies.

I think it'll be dope.More of the dead,maybe we get dragons off the rip with no 5 yr wait time.

It'll be more like a horror show which I'm in to.

Plus it will fill in the gaps on how the NK works.
Did anybody else watch with captions on? When Arya was getting trampled then joints come talking about, "Nora: Here, take my hand."

Who the hell is Nora?? Where she been?? How she get a name???
I bet nora was laughing and cheering when Ned got his head chopped off.

King's Landing used the same strategy that Winterfell used

The Golden Company was in the same position as the Dothraki.The iron Fleet were the Unsullied, except behind the door,but they had no 3rd and 4th defense like Winterfell
Nobody did.

I definitely didn't. Originally I didn't even think she'd make it to the season 8 finale. This is also partly why I love that the theory warriors are fuming. As I've always said just when you think GRRM is going right he takes a hard left and throws a wrench in your plans and theories.

Nobody would have thought that after all the build-up after 10 years Danearys Targaryen would end up becoming the main villain. It wasn't the Night's King, it wasn't Cersei, it wasn't anyone we would have predicted. It was Danearys Targaryen.

You pretty much described a lot of the posters in this forum. Lol.
Y'all gotta realize also these episodes this season are longer at an hour and a half its essentially two episodes in one. It's not being rushed the pacing is fine it's just fans being upset their little bullshit theories aren't coming true and now they looking stupid in front of their social circle.

Nobody did.

I definitely didn't. Originally I didn't even think she'd make it to the season 8 finale. This is also partly why I love that the theory warriors are fuming. As I've always said just when you think GRRM is going right he takes a hard left and throws a wrench in your plans and theories.

Nobody would have thought that after all the build-up after 10 years Danearys Targaryen would end up becoming the main villain. It wasn't the Night's King, it wasn't Cersei, it wasn't anyone we would have predicted. It was Danearys Targaryen.

This all day...I thought she'd either be queen or die trying righteously... Not this way
So are we rolling with prophecies or nah? Azor Ahai is a prophecy but it's just that and does not need to be fulfilled.

On the other hand, Targs go crazy and every prophecy and vision showing Dany going crazy is to be fulfilled.

Crazy thing is, the stronger prophecies and foreshadowing that were built are being put aside for shit that wasn't even made apparent through the story telling.

Yeah, it's easy to look back and say this or that was telling us this would happen cause hindsight is 20/20. So y'all reaching saying they been setting Dany up to go crazy for multiple seasons now. No one thought anything she did was a sign of crazy until they look back now.
Stop it. Again off top of the head, Jorah had to tell her calm that murder instinct shit down. She was raped, sold, and beat. That's basic human psychology to know people like that abuse worse than the abuser. And she's basically a high school senior in age, and please tell me how they control their emotions or how we did. It was always going to be her going the fuck off. You can't have everyone constantly trying to placate a character like she's walking around with three nukes if the implication isn't that she's going to use them.

The show is wrapping up fine. People just mad they dickrode too many theories and fell in love with the words of talented Fandom writers. You're witnessing every school shooting ever as done by a shooter with a dragon: teenager gets angsty about life and /or abuse, finds power in a weapon, and uses it on those weaker/stronger than him or her to feel strong.

Also, it's called Game of Thrones. All this crying (not by you) about non-throne centric characters' arcs. Nope. Throne over all. Briene's cool but she got pumped and dumped. We don't need to see her farming to wrap her up. It started on Stark and Targaryan kids. End on them. Fuck it.
I disagree on Dany... if you go back to season one there was a ton of foreshadowing to this very moment from then on...

Also, crazy isn't always a slow crawl... Some time folk snap

The thing with that is that those actions were somewhat commendable. Even staring deadpan at her brother when he got his golden crown....that nigga was trash and wasnt gon be missed. And her threatened her several times.

I've seen a lot of talk about how she treated the slavers in mereen the leading up to this ep but again, I commended those moves. She tried to do what was right by the people by listening to the concerns of hundreds everyday and locking up her dragons. She put a cease fire on harming the masters cuz she wanted peace...then that slave dude violated it and she had to kill him.

Meanwhile the sons of the harpy was still attacking her and none of the masters admitted it nor did they stop it. In danys eyes, if none of yall are responsible then all yall are responsible. She reopened the fighting pits as a gesture of good faith - they tried to kill her and drogon there and they fled the city....Tyrion brokered a reasonable peace offering of 7 yrs to get their shit together at no financial loss to them. But even grey worm and missandei advised him against it because force is the only thing they'd respond to. Once again, them niggas attacked the city in danys absence. Like at what point is dany allowed to punish people who have drawn the line in the sand against her?

Even her burning the tarlys was fine by me cuz killing traitors to prevent future insurrection is common practice.

I wouldn't necessarily say all those things were foreshadowing she'd go mad...cuz she was "winning" for the most part before hitting Westeros so it wasnt apparent. I will say that some things spoke more to how she had to be pushed and prodded to doing the "right" thing and not using force from jump. But ultimately force got her point across quicker and with less pushback and fuckery along the way. If all she needed was a fuck it attitude and drogon, KL and the 7 kingdoms woulda been hers in s3. But had she did the diplomatic shit and won the war, who knows how many more personal losses she woulda suffered doing it that way. Fuck it take the straight line approach and be done with it.
Explain to me how the Mountain all of a sudden got a mind of his own? And why kill Qyburn? Was he tired of being told what to do? No sign of that. Was his hate for his brother that strong? Sure we know the Hound hated him, but nothing about the Mountain's hate for him being THAT strong.

And Dany was ok with stopping at the toll of the bells before the battle. So what pushed her over the edge? What made her snap? If Grey Worm had been killed or her dragon wounded I could have understood it more.

Dude... He held his brothers head in a fire because he touched his toy. As a kid. That's beyond normal levels of hate.