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I'll be the one to say it.........this episode sucked!

Jon petting Drogon like his old friend and YET, we ain't seen Ghost in 4 fucking seasons. Ya boy held you down for 6 summers and you leave him at home like a dying bloodhound

Gilly finally learning to read and the first thing she does is spill some old OCD measters diary. Nobody told her ass to be so curious. See this why Craster had them girls on a strict day plan. No room for inquisitiveness!

Arya not realizing LF was gonna be watching her. How you the world's 2nd greatest assassin and detective but don't know when you being tailed? See this why Nymeria pack ain't fucking with her. She still to damn stubborn

Nobody decided to head to Winterfell before going all the way to EWBTS? I'm mean shit! A reunion with Bran and Arya would have been nice. Jon out here thinking like a Targaryen now smh

I gotta kill that nigga. Only thing that's gonna make this show right
Gilly finally learning to read and the first thing she does is spill some old OCD measters diary. Nobody told her ass to be so curious. See this why Craster had them girls on a strict day plan. No room for inquisitiveness!

Arya not realizing LF was gonna be watching her. How you the world's 2nd greatest assassin and detective but don't know when you being tailed? See this why Nymeria pack ain't fucking with her. She still to damn stubborn

Don't start talking this shit!

She was kidnapped

She was raped

She was murdered!

Jon is a Stark got dammit!
The only person who pushed that narrative was robert, dude was salty that lyanna choose rhaegar.
Everyone pushed that narrative! It didn't help that all they doing was done in secret

Had Rhaegar and Lyanna simply come forth and let their feelings know wouldn't have been a war. He may have had to kill Robert over honor but that's it. Stannis would have held Storms End. Brandon would have held Winterfell with Cat. Ned would have married the Dayne sister. Jon Arryn would have gotta Lysa.

The kingdom would have been united and ready for the real enemy
Everyone pushed that narrative! It didn't help that all they doing was done in secret

Had Rhaegar and Lyanna simply come forth and let their feelings know wouldn't have been a war. He may have had to kill Robert over honor but that's it. Stannis would have held Storms End. Brandon would have held Winterfell with Cat. Ned would have married the Dayne sister. Jon Arryn would have gotta Lysa.

The kingdom would have been united and ready for the real enemy
Wasn't rhaegar supposed to be married to oberyns sister or something? Dorne might have took issue with that if it came to light. And something tells me Robert woulda still been in his feelings.
Wasn't rhaegar supposed to be married to oberyns sister or something? Dorne might have took issue with that if it came to light. And something tells me Robert woulda still been in his feelings.
Yeah he was but ehh. Rhaegar was looking forward and seeing the Long Night years before even the Nights Watch. He might have also started believing in/worshiping the LOL. He had a vision about the dragon having three heads and that would have been his three children.

And nigga's had disputes all the time. Had Rhaegar killed Robert in fair combat no one would have said anything. Stannis was next in line and would have done his duty to his house and accepted Roberts death. Ned might have been sick but that's why Lyanna would have been in his ear.
Callin it now, Jorah and about 2 of them lord of the light niggas gettin murked

You might be right but I don't think they would heal this nigga Jorah just to kill him 2 episodes later.

I hope ma nigga Tormund and Davos make it out alive.

Thoros and Beric are as good as dead tho imo
You make a good point...but what if he stays on the show, just as a member of the living dead, transforms from simp to pimp