I despise cyclists with a passion. I live in a semi-rural area and these niggas love to ride their bikes on those 2-lane winding back roads where you can’t see what’s coming around the next curve. Got to slow drive behind their ass ferociously pumping their pedals up a 60 degree hill and only going 2 mph in the process. Never seen so much effort go into such a fruitless endeavor, smh.

And do you think these mufuckas pull over for just 30 seconds to let the 15 car pile up behind them go around? Tuh! To hell with our pursuit to get to work or wherever we’re going in a timely manner! Their “exercise” is leaps and bounds more important than any person’s timeliness or mental health.

Bunch of inconsiderate pricks!
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This legit made me laugh... mfers are stupid

I’m at the top of the page and see this

I’m looking for the joke then saw the cost and was like SHIiIT!!!!