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Love them fuckin hawaiian rolls but I hadda chill off of that and all bread for that matter.

Ab killer
Fun fact: one serving is half cup. Carbs are great, in excess bad. A lot nutritional value in oats, grains a d starches. Sugar is a massive ab killer and so is beer. Beer especially because the type of fat it converts to is visceral fat, belly fat. Smaller serving of oats, grians and starches. Ditch as much sugar as possible. Fruit sugar is okay cuz it comes with ske Fibre to help the glucose punch. Not to much fruit if refined sugar is still high. 200g or more is high. Recommended is no more than 36g a day. That's 3 chipsahoy cookies!! Jfc that's insane right. There is literally no reason to eat refined sugar other than we love it cuz its hits the same pleasure sensors in the brain as cocaine.