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Niggas be going through comments? Like after you watch and bust a nut? Why converse with someone about a video of people having sex? And yall be rating the sex you didnt actually have amongst each other?

the real question is: Who the fuck makes a pornhub account in the first place???

I don’t have a pornhub account but I scroll down into the comments andsome guy posted this long ass lasagna recipe.I wish I wrote it down and made it but I didn’t want others to know where I found it at.
I like to know what videos I already watched 😕

Comments be funny as shit
This is real judgmental
There's a whole lotta guilt embedded in this reply.
I like to know what videos I already watched 😕

1. I don’t know how real or fake it is but the Ebony Lesbian videos, their comments always have Female pposters trying to hook up with each other. Like ohh who is in DC and wants to hook up, who wants their pussy ate in Florida, I need a butch.

2. Look up hentai or video game porn, their are some funny comments their sometimes

3. before the pornhub clean up their was a guy that would just say “Hey keep finding that video until you bust that nut” lmfao. It was like a 5 second video

4. cornhub