Friday Night Smackdown Thread: 6/14

Shit would be lit if Riddle won that new IC title and they focused the division around him.
Nakamura title reign might actually be the worst, I'm sure nobody would notice if they vacated it with out saying shit.

The IC title...or the "prestige" of it has lost its luster. It's as if WWE no longer care about it. If it ain't the heavyweight fuccs given on their part.
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Yeah Roman not winning the rumble, that reaction to him announcing he winning was not promising.
The main event been cringy, I'm checking out. Smackdown feels like the old thrown together WCW Saturday Night shows.
The main event been cringy, I'm checking out. Smackdown feels like the old thrown together WCW Saturday Night shows.

like that’s ever stoped creative...

Nah man, im putting all my money on Drew to win that shit

otherwise the random turn outta no where makes no sense at all. I mean, I get it.. its WWE and they do shit that makes no sense all the time but still, I feel like the writings on the wall
Nah man, im putting all my money on Drew to win that shit

otherwise the random turn outta no where makes no sense at all. I mean, I get it.. its WWE and they do shit that makes no sense all the time but still, I feel like the writings on the wall
I picked Drew winning to in the RR thread..

If Alister wasnt in the middle of this Murphy feud that seems to be dragging out longer I honestly think he is actually the best option and it's his time. Plus it would work well with his dark gimmick and Bray's Fiend.
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Funniest thing about all this is, he been trying to get with Mandy on instagram for like the past year. At first i was thinking he was gonna end up me too'ing himself but i guess she a goodd sport about it since its a story now