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Friday Night Smackdown Thread: 10/4

It was way more top guys back then so they didn't have to
“Way more” is a stretch b

outside of HHH

Austin/Rock - 10 Singles matches (3 Manias)
Cena/Orton - 22 Singles matches (0 Manias)
Reigns/Lesnar - 6 Singles matches (3 Manias)



actually wrestled less than both rivals and interestingly over a longer period. They had 6 singles matches over 7 years. To put that in perspective…Cena and Orton once wrestled each other 5 times in one year lol
Austin/Rock - 5 PPV Matches (1 of which was when they were in the midcard still)
Orton/Cena - 10 PPV Matches
Brock/Roman - 7 soon to be 8 PPV matches
Austin/Rock - 5 PPV Matches (1 of which was when they were in the midcard still)
Orton/Cena - 10 PPV Matches
Brock/Roman - 7 soon to be 8 PPV matches
Summerslam will be their 7th singles match. It is interesting that all of thier matches (8 soon to be 9) all on ppv. They never wrestled on free tv

Austin, Rock, Taker, HHH, Foley, Kane, Angle, Jericho, Benoit, Big Show
Top guys nigga?

Bonified “carry the company, rep the brand” top guys

cmon b we know its levels and its only 4 names up there that fit that description


and even then Rock and Austin on a diff level

nigga typed big show and foley lmao
I get how you can front on Show (I put him last for a reason) but you is trippin if you don't recongnize Foley.

First feud for Austin after the title? Foley. First feud for Rock after the title? Foley. First feud for Hunter? You guessed it Foley. Not to mention what he did for a Taker at KotR leading up to that years Summerslam. Rock and Sock also humanized the Rock which helped him in 2000 when he went uberface.

Like nah not Mick, you remove him and a lot of guys are a lot less over than they ended up becoming.