Former Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin Blames Defeat on Democrats ‘Harvesting Votes in “Urban” Communities’

Dec 22, 2017

Gov. Matt Bevin (R-KY) blamed his election defeat on Democrats “harvesting votes in the urban communities” in an interview on Wednesday.

“The left, those who think of a different ideological bent, they are getting so good at harvesting votes in the urban communities,” claimed Bevin during a radio interview with Cincinnati’s 55KRC. “They were able to go into urban communities where people are densely populated on college campuses and public housing projects.”

“Conservatives are going to have to find some counterpoint,” he continued, adding, “The harvesting of votes in urban cores in particular that is done by the left overwhelmed even that. And that’s the difference, that’s the tipping point.”

Bevin, who lost his re-election campaign in November to Kentucky Attorney General Andy Beshear, also reportedly blamed his loss on the Democrats bringing “more less-informed people” to vote.
lol @ "bring more less-informed people." Fuck outta here. Poor white people are the least informed people in the country when it comes to politics. Nobody votes against their own interests more than them.

I get where folks who say this is coming from but I've never really agreed with that statement.

Racist or not they either support or have no problem with white supremacy or white privilege. With that being said with either view point they want their race on top. So it can also be looked at like they feel their kids, grandkids or family members have a good shot at being in that elite white position one day. So they could just be taking one for the white people team to keep them in power and on top with the belief that one day someone in their family will reap that benefit.

Looking at it that way. I can't say that they are really voting against their own best interest. Could be said they are making a hell of a sacrifice.

Just another point of view.
  • Ether
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I get where folks who say this is coming from but I've never really agreed with that statement.

Racist or not they either support or have no problem with white supremacy or white privilege. With that being said with either view point they want their race on top. So it can also be looked at like they feel their kids, grandkids or family members have a good shot at being in that elite white position one day. So they could just be taking one for the white people team to keep them in power and on top with the belief that one day someone in their family will reap that benefit.

Looking at it that way. I can't say that they are really voting against their own best interest. Could be said they are making a hell of a sacrifice.

Just another point of view.

What you're saying might be an explanation for what dumb logic they use to justify their votes. It's not an argument against the fact that they do vote against their own self interest. That really can't argued. Whites on welfare vote to have welfare cut. Whites who can't afford their medications vote to allow pharmaceutical companies to price gouge. Whites who can afford to send their kids to private schools vote to defund public schools. They routinely vote against their own interests, and it only benefits a small percentage of (mostly) white people. The benefits from their "sacrfice" as you call it have never trickled down to their class, and this same shit has been happening for centuries.

In fact, if you look up the origin of the white race and white supremacy in America, you'll actually see that they came to be because european servants and african servants were working together to rebel against unfair practices by the rich landowners. Those rich landowners then passed laws defining the white race and restricting interactions between whites and blacks specifically to keep those poor whites from rising up and claiming what they rightfully deserved. So basically white supremacy has always been about the white elites dividing and conquering to ensure that they maintain their power. That's the same exact dynamic we see today. It's what was behind the Southern Strategy, and it's what's behind things like the border crisis now.
  • Ether
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What you're saying might be an explanation for what dumb logic they use to justify their votes. It's not an argument against the fact that they do vote against their own self interest. That really can't argued. Whites on welfare vote to have welfare cut. Whites who can't afford their medications vote to allow pharmaceutical companies to price gouge. Whites who can afford to send their kids to private schools vote to defund public schools. They routinely vote against their own interests, and it only benefits a small percentage of (mostly) white people. The benefits from their "sacrfice" as you call it have never trickled down to their class, and this same shit has been happening for centuries.

In fact, if you look up the origin of the white race and white supremacy in America, you'll actually see that they came to be because european servants and african servants were working together to rebel against unfair practices by the rich landowners. Those rich landowners then passed laws defining the white race and restricting interactions between whites and blacks specifically to keep those poor whites from rising up and claiming what they rightfully deserved. So basically white supremacy has always been about the white elites dividing and conquering to ensure that they maintain their power. That's the same exact dynamic we see today. It's what was behind the Southern Strategy, and it's what's behind things like the border crisis now.

If your goal is to maintain white supremacy and privilege that ain't voting against their own interest.
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If your goal is to maintain white supremacy and privilege that ain't voting against their own interest.

White supremacy is a net loss for poor white people as it keeps power and money in the grasp of the few. That's why they (the wealthy whites) started it in the first place
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White supremacy is a net loss for poor white people as it keeps power and money in the grasp of the few. That's why they (the wealthy whites) started it in the first place

I never said it didn't or do I disagree with that. I actually said in my first post in this thread it's about their kids or family joining that elite class of wealthy white people. What I'm saying is they do it in hopes one day their white kids or white family get to that position and reap those same benefits.

If you have kids. Do you sacrifice for your kids so that they and possibly their kids can have and do better than you are doing?

If your answer is yes. IMO its basically the same shit. Not exactly the same but it has similarities
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If your goal is to maintain white supremacy and privilege that ain't voting against their own interest.

Yes it is. Assuming that they are knowingly voting to maintain white supremacy, which I don't even think is the case for a lot of them, by your own statements, they are doing so with the idea that eventually it will come to benefit them or their descendents. If the system is setup in a way that it will never result in a net benefit for anyone in their class, then they are by definition voting against their own interests.
Yes it is. Assuming that they are knowingly voting to maintain white supremacy, which I don't even think is the case for a lot of them, by your own statements, they are doing so with the idea that eventually it will come to benefit them or their descendents. If the system is setup in a way that it will never result in a net benefit for anyone in their class, then they are by definition voting against their own interests.

That system is different for white people.

The shit is about keeping the white race on top and the belief that some poor whites will reach that elite white status. They also benefit in this system in more ways than money.
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literally the entire city too.. i was there for a week,

i missed the shit outta baltimore

good weed tho....
Theeentiiiire fucking city.

But that aint enough for him to lose.

I remember this spot that made burritos as big as your head.

La Bamba or some shit...
That system is different for white people.

The shit is about keeping the white race on top and the belief that some poor whites will reach that elite white status. They also benefit in this system in more ways than money.

I think you're talking more about perception, and we're talking about reality.

The fact that whites continue to vote to keep that system in place means that they are voting against their own self interest. There is almost no social mobility of poor people of any race in this country, so if they believe that keeping a few rich white people in power through supporting white supremacy will help them, they are wrong and that only supports my point.

And you're right that it's not just about money. White supremacy screws them all around. Look at police brutality. More white people are killed by the cops than black people, but by framing the issue of police brutality as being a race issue where anti-cop blacks are just attacking the virtuous police officers, they are essentially preventing anything from being done to stop police brutality which in turn hurts them. You can go down the list. Pretty much everything poor whites vote for is against their own interest. Hell, even shit that doesn't involve race. Think about climate change. Poor whites are some of the biggest opponents to initiatives to save the environment. That's not a race issue, yet they stand on the wrong side of that too.
I think you're talking more about perception, and we're talking about reality.

The fact that whites continue to vote to keep that system in place means that they are voting against their own self interest. There is almost no social mobility of poor people of any race in this country, so if they believe that keeping a few rich white people in power through supporting white supremacy will help them, they are wrong and that only supports my point.

And you're right that it's not just about money. White supremacy screws them all around. Look at police brutality. More white people are killed by the cops than black people, but by framing the issue of police brutality as being a race issue where anti-cop blacks are just attacking the virtuous police officers, they are essentially preventing anything from being done to stop police brutality which in turn hurts them. You can go down the list. Pretty much everything poor whites vote for is against their own interest. Hell, even shit that doesn't involve race. Think about climate change. Poor whites are some of the biggest opponents to initiatives to save the environment. That's not a race issue, yet they stand on the wrong side of that too.

Perception is reality. If the goal is white racial domination and this system keeps that happening then their interests are being served whether they wealthy, rich, middle class or poor.
Perception is reality. If the goal is white racial domination and this system keeps that happening then their interests are being served whether they wealthy, rich, middle class or poor.

Yes, but the point is that the system isn't run on white racial domination. It's class domination. The majority of white people are getting shit on just like minorities. Yes, white supremacy has made it so that there is a gap between whites and blacks in the same classes, but that gap is miniscule compared to the gaps between different socio-economic groups. The voting of those poor white people does nothing to widen the intra-class gaps. It has largely only been used create this huge divide between the classes.

In other words, their actions are far more effective in widening the gap between the haves and have nots regardless of race than they are widening the gap between whites and nonwhites. Dave Chapelle made a joke about it. He said poor white people were out there voting for Trump because they thought he was fighting for them. He told them no "Trump is fighting for me." That's true. Their votes help rich black people way more than they help poor whites.

I get what you're trying to say. If white people think that they will win eventually as long as white supremacy is in effect, then voting for white supremacy may be in their interest even if it doesn't pay off immediately. My point is that it never pays off for them and never will. It's not supposed to. So no matter how you look at it, they aren't voting in their own interests. Their voting based on obvious lies.
lol @ "bring more less-informed people." Fuck outta here. Poor white people are the least informed people in the country when it comes to politics. Nobody votes against their own interests more than them.

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