Welcome To aBlackWeb

For Posters w/ DNS/VPN Issues


You Niggas Starvin 😂
Site Owner
Mobile or other devices
DNS servers are typically specified under advanced Wi-Fi settings. However, as every mobile device uses a different user interface for configuring DNS server settings, we provide only a generic procedure below. For more information, please consult your mobile provider's documentation.

To change your settings on a mobile device:

  1. Go to the screen in which Wi-Fi settings are specified.
  2. Find the screen in which DNS server settings are specified.
  3. If there are IP addresses specified in the fields for the primary and seconday DNS servers, write them down for future reference.
  4. Replace those addresses with the Google IP addresses:
    • For IPv4: and/or
    • For IPv6: 2001:4860:4860::8888 and/or 2001:4860:4860::8844.
    • For IPv6-only: you can use Google Public DNS64 instead of the IPv6 addresses in the previous point.
  5. Save and exit.

Here's a link for more details

i gotta new motorola,

that shit be like"hello moto" and my daughter thinks it's talking to her
Just so you know a VPN will slow down your internet speeds

True...but its not cumbersom nor inhibitive to what it is im doing

And ill take the slight bareley noticable slowdown for the extra security tunneling provides