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Foolio Reportedly Shot & Killed


Not foolio man

He was always in some bullshit.
Man can’t have perpetual “ops” and live to be 30 in a country with 2a and people with nothing to lose.

Black people have separated fully into 4 groups (with at least 4 sub groups where you transistion between groups and 2 super groups)

1- foolio/king von etc- worse than or equal to the KKK and will kill black people like we are vermin- an embarrassment on our ancestors and a hindrance to the rest of the world- because they hurt black people worst of all

2- kinda ignorant- doing dumb embarrassing shit - pretty much black trash equivalent to white trash- people think they are group 1 but they are harmless for the most part and just not that intelligent- they idolize group 1 but wish they were group 4

3- on the come up- trying to avoid group 1 for safety and not to get classified with group 2 because they are intelligent- they are on the grind but group 1 and 2 are not only an embarrassment but a problem if they live near them. They would benefit from meeting group 4 folks so they know it’s possible -

4- rich black and aloof- probably know people in all the other groups and hate that their are not more in group 4. No danger to anyone - trying to move in a room full of vipers from all sides - not sure if people from group 1 are stalking them but for the most part when they went from 3 to 4 they figured out how to avoid group 1 nearly all together and group 2 is always near by cause we go to games and gas stations - Should spend more time with group 3 but alas it’s hard to know if those people are just talk or if they mean business-

Foolio like many in group 1 are better off dead cause people like him kill black men - innocent of not… bye and I hope I don’t see you in hell

Oh and group 5 include Obama, Clarence Thomas bitch ass, jayz, Oprah, MJ…. But guys like Roland Fryer and Thomas Sowell are in group 3 - you gotta clip more than 10ms a year for at least 10 years and not burn more than 20 to 30% on living to move to group 5 and it doesn’t include pro athletes or entertainers while they are playing or at their peak- you have to sustain group 5 post receiving your peak talent income… that’s group 6 aka celebrity
he's not wrong, hiphop (well I should say not all of hiphop) has failed our people as of late. I'm sure some of you super niggas is going to disagree but your ears and eye's are not lying to you. Unless the majority of you on the ABW are getting an allowance or just hit 21.

There's no balance in hiphop like it used to be. It's either a trap whore music that our sisters are putting out, OP gettem music, or fuck nigga sing song bullshit. Anndddd before one of you nerds say "but but but there's good music out there you just have to look under this rock and and find the magic key to go fimd the fucking map to find some nerd rapping about star patterns and politics shut yo goofy ass up. The fact that we have to search for diversity in OUR music is a slap in the face from the start


@TTBF you can't hate on this post either nigga but keep trying b
I can’t speak on his beefs but I watched his vlad interview and would see him pop up randomly on social media and YouTube.

I figured he would eventually get caught up but he had a cool personality.

Sad because he could have got out the way.
he's not wrong, hiphop (well I should say not all of hiphop) has failed our people as of late. I'm sure some of you super niggas is going to disagree but your ears and eye's are not lying to you. Unless the majority of you on the ABW are getting an allowance or just hit 21.

There's no balance in hiphop like it used to be. It's either a trap whore music that our sisters are putting out, OP gettem music, or fuck nigga sing song bullshit. Anndddd before one of you nerds say "but but but there's good music out there you just have to look under this rock and and find the magic key to go fimd the fucking map to find some nerd rapping about star patterns and politics shut yo goofy ass up. The fact that we have to search for diversity in OUR music is a slap in the face from the start


@TTBF you can't hate on this post either nigga but keep trying b
The ability for anybody to put out music easily and how ppl get music has changed.

Radio isn’t the driving force in breaking music anymore.

It’s the wild wild west

A lot of current rap is usually now just the backdrop for actual gang wars and they just happen to get popular and sign deals.

It has very little to do with actually caring about making music.

To some degree, you always had to look for the really great/diverse music
he's not wrong, hiphop (well I should say not all of hiphop) has failed our people as of late. I'm sure some of you super niggas is going to disagree but your ears and eye's are not lying to you. Unless the majority of you on the ABW are getting an allowance or just hit 21.

There's no balance in hiphop like it used to be. It's either a trap whore music that our sisters are putting out, OP gettem music, or fuck nigga sing song bullshit. Anndddd before one of you nerds say "but but but there's good music out there you just have to look under this rock and and find the magic key to go fimd the fucking map to find some nerd rapping about star patterns and politics shut yo goofy ass up. The fact that we have to search for diversity in OUR music is a slap in the face from the start


@TTBF you can't hate on this post either nigga but keep trying b
he's not wrong, hiphop (well I should say not all of hiphop) has failed our people as of late. I'm sure some of you super niggas is going to disagree but your ears and eye's are not lying to you. Unless the majority of you on the ABW are getting an allowance or just hit 21.

There's no balance in hiphop like it used to be. It's either a trap whore music that our sisters are putting out, OP gettem music, or fuck nigga sing song bullshit. Anndddd before one of you nerds say "but but but there's good music out there you just have to look under this rock and and find the magic key to go fimd the fucking map to find some nerd rapping about star patterns and politics shut yo goofy ass up. The fact that we have to search for diversity in OUR music is a slap in the face from the start


@TTBF you can't hate on this post either nigga but keep trying b

People have been making the "there's no balance" argument since the 90s. Also there's nothing wrong with searching for good music. Everything ain't gonna get a major push and the market does react to what fans want. So if people actually did search out and push the shit more as much as they do the newest drill rapper and their baby momma drama then guess what you'd see more of...
People have been making the "there's no balance" argument since the 90s. Also there's nothing wrong with searching for good music. Everything ain't gonna get a major push and the market does react to what fans want. So if people actually did search out and push the shit more as much as they do the newest drill rapper and their baby momma drama then guess what you'd see more of...
stop it bro.....everything you typed gos back to the current environment/culture that hiphop has put out there. In the 90's there was at the least a variety of music that was being pushed out. You had the gangsta, political, trap, bars, pop and whatever the fuck @genocide_cutter likes to listen to at least being pushed out. Now we have whore music (men/women), trap, gang and drill music and that's all you will get.

Our people/culture music wise has gravitated to more violent music and or music disrespecting our women. Has it always been out there yes but now its all you hear on the airwaves. That leads impression on young minds especially in the age we are in of "do it for the gram" ass niggas who want that shock value to get their music played. We need a culture change not now but right now and this is coming from a old nigga who grew up on gangsta rap and drug dealing rap
People have been making the "there's no balance" argument since the 90s. Also there's nothing wrong with searching for good music. Everything ain't gonna get a major push and the market does react to what fans want. So if people actually did search out and push the shit more as much as they do the newest drill rapper and their baby momma drama then guess what you'd see more of...

Too many kids don’t know any better and the average adult is locked into whatever bullshit they've been listening to since they were a kid and didn't know any better.
stop it bro.....everything you typed gos back to the current environment/culture that hiphop has put out there. In the 90's there was at the least a variety of music that was being pushed out. You had the gangsta, political, trap, bars, pop and whatever the fuck @genocide_cutter likes to listen to at least being pushed out. Now we have whore music (men/women), trap, gang and drill music and that's all you will get.

Our people/culture music wise has gravitated to more violent music and or music disrespecting our women. Has it always been out there yes but now its all you hear on the airwaves. That leads impression on young minds especially in the age we are in of "do it for the gram" ass niggas who want that shock value to get their music played. We need a culture change not now but right now and this is coming from a old nigga who grew up on gangsta rap and drug dealing rap

What I'm saying is...your exact same compliant has been around since this golden era people want to go back to. And that people have always had to go look for an alternative to whatever is deemed more popular at the moment. You just said it...you grew up on gangsta rap and drug dealing rap. So to pretend as if it dominating air waves is brand new is by your own account inaccurate.

What is accurate and continues to be so is that despite whatever flavor of the moment drill rapper is out the most highly regarded still have always been the most skilled. We as the fans just need to make sure theirs and others like their music gets as much of a push. Because at the end of the day all the labels wanna make money and if they see a certain type of rap generating more income then more will get pushed to that. So yes we still have to search out and make sure the non drill rappers get just as much of a push