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Fixed vs Fake


Active Member
It's pretty obvious that professional team sports are fixed. Not fake like WWE, but so close that to call them fixed is undeniable.

There's too much money at stake to allow outcomes to be determined strictly by athleticism. It's the reason why referees are so shielded from criticism by the leagues, because they need to manipulate the game without being called out. Same with the media. Stephen A is basically Jim Ross. They manipulate narratives and hate any athlete who controls their own narratives.
I wonder how much the players know?

Its been countless tell alls by refs after they've retired.

Watched the Jamaica vs brazil womens world cup game and the ref was being so biased the crowd started booing her decisions. It's like they do it just enough to steer the ship then they back away and do some makeup calls after the shit is decided. Some of it be too fuckin obvious.
I wonder how much the players know?

Its been countless tell alls by refs after they've retired.

Watched the Jamaica vs brazil womens world cup game and the ref was being so biased the crowd started booing her decisions. It's like they do it just enough to steer the ship then they back away and do some makeup calls after the shit is decided. Some of it be too fuckin obvious.
The players know.

That's why Ayesha Curry caught so much hell when she tweeted it 3 years ago.
She said it in the middle of the finals and they trashed her. It was partially deserved because of how stacked the Warriors were but you know what rigged looks like when you see it.
The players know.

That's why Ayesha Curry caught so much hell when she tweeted it 3 years ago.
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She said it in the middle of the finals and they trashed her. It was partially deserved because of how stacked the Warriors were but you know what rigged looks like when you see it.

But her husband benefits from it.

So it makes no sense to say shit like that when it’s going against you
i stopped watching basketball years go, because the refs dictate the pace of the game way too much, it's too frustrating to get involved...

a ref wrote a book once,....

basically he used kobe bryant as an example.....

people come to see kobe drop 40+

if someone is playing good defense on kobe,.....regardless of how clean the defense is, they'll still call a bunch of fouls on the guy...simply becuz no one pays money to see kobe shut down
and wrestling is essentially a scripted stunt show......the injuries and risks are all real....they break bones, ribs, concussions, and all types of shit.....and they're much less protected because it's not a "sport"...wrestlers subject their bodies to way more punishment than people really give them credit for who don't watch the sport...

yea u may pull a punch, but you can't fake the risk of doing a backflip off the top ropes outside the ring... if u land on your neck...that's it.....dudes blow their knees out all the time doing regular moves.....watch one video of wrestling injuries, and you can't say that shit fake

I remember a dude said wrestling was fake and wanted to take a chokeslam from Big Show... they tried to tell him to chill but he wanted it, so Show slammed him and the dude had the wind knocked out of him taking a chokeslam onto the mat. It was hilarious.
i remember daniel bryan damn near died doing a fucking flying headbutt from a forklift outside the ring....

such a stupid move....doesn't even look devastating, and the risk of spinal damage is high as fuck
Ayo, WWE ain’t “fake”.. it’s just fixed. Predetermined outcomes and storylines.
When I say fake, I'm speaking mostly from a professional perspective.

The outcomes are manufactured. The storylines are manufactured. The moves/matches are mostly manufactured.

If the only things real are the risks of injuries and the money, then I have to call it fake. Why? Because the viewing public doesn't know for a fact that the injuries are even real, much less that the money they claim everyone is making is accurate.

I'm not even doubting that sports are multi billion dollar industries. But for all that supposed money on the line, you're telling me they're leaving it up to pure talent and athleticism
The refs definitely pick and choose their calls. This whole NBA playoffs has been a mixed bag of folks getting "superstar" calls and complaining to the refs when they dont get their way