Firestarter (2022)

Fast Flame Out

PRAISE: Firestarter is in my top 5 of Stephen King books. The 1984 film version of Firestarter is one of my all time favorite movies.
So how does the 2022 version match up?
The story about a couple desperately trying to hide their daughter, Charlie, from a shadowy federal agency that wants to harness her unprecedented gift for turning fire into a weapon of mass destruction starts out pretty good and all of the actors including : Zac Efron, Ryan Kiera Armstrong, Sydney Lemmon, Kurtwood Smith, John Beasley, Michael Greyeyes and Gloria Reuben do a fine job up to a certain point.
I don't think I've ever seen Reuben take on such a crazy,cruel and cold role before and she was fun to watch. There are some good kills,and really great unintentional laughs. Some of the violence is not for the faint of heart....especially if you are an animal lover....MEEOOOOWWWUCH !!....LOL

PROBLEMS: This was a Cliff Notes Version of Firestarter .The film starts to smolder when the last 30 minutes start. It was just lacking in so many ways. It was definitely missing the haunting feel of dread that the 1984 film possessed missing even some of its heart. They try to throw in some twist at the end that was supposed to make me say ohhhh what's going to happen?....but I thought it was extremely lame.

Scale of 1 to 10 a 5