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Fair or Foul?

Do you think Fortnite is bastardising MLKs legacy?

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 6 75.0%
  • Eh....

    Votes: 2 25.0%

  • Total voters
Yes the fuck I do.

I did raids every Tuesday reset on Destiny and Destiny 2 for like 6 straight years.

You my guy dont know what a raid it.

If they was "raiding" what was the loot they got?
Destiny was a huge let down. I didnt even bother with destiny 2.
And they are REALLY stingy about the shit too. Like...ridiculously so. Which makes me have all sorts of other questions about this shit.

But...it is what it is.

This shit seems tacky as fuck to me. But I'm also all about meeting people where they are, children included. And millions of kids pay attention to ANYTHING in Fortnite. But then it makes me ask what is the motivation for the game company to do this. Because it certainly isn't t further the legacy of Dr. King. And it certainly isn't to attract more kids to the game or an attempt to keep kids interested in the game.

So I dunno. This whole thing feels gross. But it's the kind of gross where I'm just gonna just try to put it out of my mind and pretend I never saw it, because it opens up too big of a can of worms.

Foul ive been past the point of tired of white people and their self serving diluted juvenille, disneynfication of MLK takes for decades. It lazy as fuck and false deification only mean to serve their whims they use him as a buffer for them andba bludgeon for negroes.
That first raid was GOAT fam. And I loved Crota raid too And that Taken King raid was peak shit
They gave an unfinished game with destiny 1 when it first came out. The gameplay was good but the story sucked. They left a lot of stuff out that was promised to be added. It got repetitive. They said it was supposes to be a massive world but the left out a lot that they showed. They were not ready to release that game. Then they had the nerve to DLC people to death.