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Fair or Foul? Quentin Tarantino Says He’ll Never Give His Mom Money After She Insulted His Writing


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Quentin Tarantino Says He’ll Never Give His Mom Money After She Insulted His Writing
Andi Ortiz
Mon., August 9, 2021, 10:52 a.m.·2 min read


Quentin Tarantino Says He’ll Never Give His Mom Money After She Insulted His Writing
When Quentin Tarantino decides to hold a grudge, he’s going to stick to it. He’s still got one against his own mother, after she insulted his writing as a child — and as a result, she’s never gotten a piece of her son’s financial success.

During an appearance on “Billions” co-creator Brian Koppelman’s podcast “The Moment” late last month, Tarantino revealed that, as a kid, he would often get in trouble for writing screenplays instead of doing his schoolwork. There’s one particular scolding from his mother that he remembers vividly.

“In the middle of her little tirade, she said, ‘Oh, and by the way, this little ‘writing career’ — with the finger quotes and everything — this little ‘writing career’ that you’re doing? That s— is f—ing over,” Tarantino said. And with those words, he made a decision that he’s stuck to his entire life.

“When she said that to me in that sarcastic way, I was in my head and I go: ‘OK, lady, when I become a successful writer, you will never see penny one from my success,'” Tarantino said. “‘There will be no house for you. There’s no vacation for you, no Elvis Cadillac for mommy. You get nothing. Because you said that.'”

Tarantino admitted that he has helped his mother financially, but only when she was in “a jam with the IRS.” Other than that, the director has stuck to his guns and kept his money to himself. When Koppelman then suggested Tarantino buy his mother a house — saying that she, in essence, “drove” Tarantino to success because he kept her words in his mind — Tarantino doubled down.

“There are consequences for your words as you deal with your children,” he said. “Remember there are consequences for your sarcastic tone about what’s meaningful to them.”
It’s no secret that Tarantino has had a rocky relationship with his parents. In June, the “Once Upon a Time…In Hollywood” director admitted on Marc Maron’s podcast “WTF” that if he were to do his career all over again, he wouldn’t have used his father’s surname.

“If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn’t use the name Tarantino,” he said. “If I had it to do all over again, I would use my middle name as my last name. I would be Quentin Jerome.”
Read original story Quentin Tarantino Says He’ll Never Give His Mom Money After She Insulted His Writing At TheWrap
Shit wild cause the shit his moms did isnt even that bad. Just regular parenting shit. Now if she did some foul ass shit ontop of that, idk bout it. I only know this, and this shit aint horrible.

If I have a ton of money, moms def getting a piece. My moms would have to do some real fucked up shit for me to not look out.
Lol at using his middle name instead. I mean they probably gave him his middle name too

His money his decision

Curious if he was writing the weird shit at a young age or if that happened when he was older

The hurt child lives in us all. The attachment of I need and want my mother to agree and like my career decisions in order for me to financially support her , is his inner child speaking imo. I personally would like to be in a place where I do things solely based on me and not what someone did or didn't do for me. If it makes me happy to buy my parent a house I should do it...regardless of the fuck up things they did. But its hard to let shit go....he probably got some scorpio energy in his birth chart. I know I have a difficult time letting things go and not taking things personally 😕
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As he said, there are consequences for the shit you say and do to your children.

Had she been more supportive, this wouldn't be an issue. I support my kids to the fullest, not because they might hit it big and take care of me, but because they're my fuckin kids and your parents should be your biggest cheerleaders for your endeavors.

My moms went broke to buy me an Atari 800XL computer for Christmas back in '84. She knew I was heavy into computers, and copped it to support me in that. My stepfather gave me his Timex Sinclair 1000 computer the year before that. My pops used to buy me blank disks whenever I needed them and at $5 each back in the early 80's, they weren't cheap at all. Even though mom and pops couldn't really understand it (my stepfather did rather well), they still supported me in it and I've always been forever grateful for it. I wouldn't be where I'm at now had they been like "fuck that, it's good jobs in the plant" or some other shit.

I owe it to my kids to support them the same way my parents supported me.

As he said, there are consequences for the shit you say and do to your children.

Had she been more supportive, this wouldn't be an issue. I support my kids to the fullest, not because they might hit it big and take care of me, but because they're my fuckin kids and your parents should be your biggest cheerleaders for your endeavors.

My moms went broke to buy me an Atari 800XL computer for Christmas back in '84. She knew I was heavy into computers, and copped it to support me in that. My stepfather gave me his Timex Sinclair 1000 computer the year before that. My pops used to buy me blank disks whenever I needed them and at $5 each back in the early 80's, they weren't cheap at all. Even though mom and pops couldn't really understand it (my stepfather did rather well), they still supported me in it and I've always been forever grateful for it. I wouldn't be where I'm at now had they been like "fuck that, it's good jobs in the plant" or some other shit.

I owe it to my kids to support them the same way my parents supported me.

Perhaps his mom felt that she was supporting him based off what she learned in her life and her own beliefs about what being a "good mother" is. He did pay for her taxes so he has extended some level of support...I guess so she won't go to jail. Not debating if her parenting is wrong or right because everyone can do as they please. But he is continuing a cycle of do this for my love and support.
I don’t think I could hold that against my mom considering the circumstances of me being in trouble in school. You tryin to tell me she never tried to be supportive at all as long as you did good in school? Not once? I don’t believe it. White peoples relationships with their parents are wild to me.
Shit wild cause the shit his moms did isnt even that bad. Just regular parenting shit.
From what he said, it sounds like she was shitting on his dreams. That doesn't sound like regular parenting. Not "good" parenting, anyway. It's not like he was in the streets, he was just super passionate about writing. I guess she was frustrated, but that's part of being a parent. It's so ridiculously easy to mess a kid up, you don't tell a kid something like that.
From what he said, it sounds like she was shitting on his dreams. That doesn't sound like regular parenting. Not "good" parenting, anyway. It's not like he was in the streets, he was just super passionate about writing. I guess she was frustrated, but that's part of being a parent. It's so ridiculously easy to mess a kid up, you don't tell a kid something like that.

He said he was getting in trouble cause he was writing screenplays instead of doing hw. Its some normal ass shit to me.

And facts. Dont shit on your kids dreams, but i think weve all been told to stop doing some shit cause we were doing it when we werent supposed to be
He said he was getting in trouble cause he was writing screenplays instead of doing hw. Its some normal ass shit to me.

And facts. Dont shit on your kids dreams, but i think weve all been told to stop doing some shit cause we were doing it when we werent supposed to be


I talked about this in another thread about parenting. Shit is a balancing act.

Taking myself for example, I be having to ride the line between telling my son 'Yo, PLEASE stop sketching and doodling and shit on all your school work and tests and shit!' and telling him 'Damn, your artwork has gotten WAY vetoer over the last few years. Here, take a look at your old notebooks from 5th grade and compare them shits to your shit from now! It's WILD.'.