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Fair or foul: man pulls out gun over parking spot n gets head shot in return

This is another thing that bothers me about humanity, our low tolerance for each other. Minor inconveniences turn into major life altering events. Like how? Why?

Last summer I wanted to help this slow ass old lady across the street cuz the drivers in this city are known for their shit driving and I didn't wanna witness an old lady getting smoked on the corner. So I take her arm and sure as shit some loser keeps trying to turn, like mf I know you see us two cuz I'm mean mugging you rn. He turns anyway as we're already crossing!! So I kick his fucking car. Fuck you! I see him slow down to turn into BK and I'm Iike oh yeah mf let's talk about this! So old lady is across the street and going idkw cuz I'm locked on the cunt in that car and I'm ready to kick some ass like you need some manners.

He starts driving towards me and I start going off to come closer cuz I wanna kick his car some more fucking idiot!! He drives off cuz clearly I'm crazier than I look. Anyway, thinking about it later it's like, really BA, you were gonna stand on that hill? For what? Why? How did you get here? Some minor inconvenience almost turned into a major event.

Tell the truth, you had that knife in your hand, didn't you?