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Fair or foul: man pulls out gun over parking spot n gets head shot in return


Ball game

2 men want a parking spot…the guy that gets it is off duty cop…the other guy get out they argue…guy grabs a gun from his engine area n walks up to him…he walks away to the car again n the cop shoots at him…killing him

the cop ended up dying from covid late 2021
Looks like he shot him while he was running away.

You can't shoot somebody in the back, especially over a parking spot.

Didn't look like self defense to me.
The people in the comments are straight up psychopaths.

Also crazy how the cop died of covid. Just fuckery all around with this video
We just witnessed a murder.

Also I ain’t seen a nigga pull a pistol from under the hood in DECADES. That’s super old school.
Well, they're both dead, now. Looks like the universe wrapped this one up tight with a bow.

If I had to choose, though, I'd say it was fair. He never should have gotten out of the car in the first place. Then to pull a gun on someone and not expect things to escalate? All this over a parking spot? Get him out of here. His ego got him killed.
first off,the cop was pulling into that space before the other guy tried to rush from the gas tank there

We can't really see what happened off camera while the dude was walking up with the gun as far as the cop.

That other dude was who started pulling out guns over a parking spot that wasn't his anyway.

Yes he walked the other way but he still had a gun and there was a passenger in the cop dudes car.

That nigga was asking for trouble and he got it.

As far as I'm concerned, if you pull a gun, you intend to use it. As long as it's still in your hand my assumption is always going to be that you intend to use it. If I'm strapped up, and you give me the opportunity to pull it, I'm firing with no fucks given. And the mere fact that you would pull a gun over a fuckin parking spot says to me you're an unhinged psychopath and I need to get the drop first 'cause ain't no telling what you're about to do.
Well, they're both dead, now. Looks like the universe wrapped this one up tight with a bow.

If I had to choose, though, I'd say it was fair. He never should have gotten out of the car in the first place. Then to pull a gun on someone and not expect things to escalate? All this over a parking spot? Get him out of here. His ego got him killed.

Mostly agree with this. But dude probably should have called for backup or something.
Fair. He shouldve let that shit go and found another parking spot or parked at a gas pump. He wanted them problems and the cop gladly obliged.
"They say it get what you ask for/you GET it cause you ASK for it" - Jada & Styles

He came for smoke, he got smoke.
Guy got what he had coming, but legally I think the cop was in the wrong. The other guy was just walking away at that point and no longer being a threat. Can't shoot him at that point. Then again as he ran away.

And DAMN that was some good gas station camera work. Had more angles than a movie scene... they plan for a shooting to happen over that parking spot?
This is another thing that bothers me about humanity, our low tolerance for each other. Minor inconveniences turn into major life altering events. Like how? Why?

Last summer I wanted to help this slow ass old lady across the street cuz the drivers in this city are known for their shit driving and I didn't wanna witness an old lady getting smoked on the corner. So I take her arm and sure as shit some loser keeps trying to turn, like mf I know you see us two cuz I'm mean mugging you rn. He turns anyway as we're already crossing!! So I kick his fucking car. Fuck you! I see him slow down to turn into BK and I'm Iike oh yeah mf let's talk about this! So old lady is across the street and going idkw cuz I'm locked on the cunt in that car and I'm ready to kick some ass like you need some manners.

He starts driving towards me and I start going off to come closer cuz I wanna kick his car some more fucking idiot!! He drives off cuz clearly I'm crazier than I look. Anyway, thinking about it later it's like, really BA, you were gonna stand on that hill? For what? Why? How did you get here? Some minor inconvenience almost turned into a major event.
This is another thing that bothers me about humanity, our low tolerance for each other. Minor inconveniences turn into major life altering events. Like how? Why?

Last summer I wanted to help this slow ass old lady across the street cuz the drivers in this city are known for their shit driving and I didn't wanna witness an old lady getting smoked on the corner. So I take her arm and sure as shit some loser keeps trying to turn, like mf I know you see us two cuz I'm mean mugging you rn. He turns anyway as we're already crossing!! So I kick his fucking car. Fuck you! I see him slow down to turn into BK and I'm Iike oh yeah mf let's talk about this! So old lady is across the street and going idkw cuz I'm locked on the cunt in that car and I'm ready to kick some ass like you need some manners.

He starts driving towards me and I start going off to come closer cuz I wanna kick his car some more fucking idiot!! He drives off cuz clearly I'm crazier than I look. Anyway, thinking about it later it's like, really BA, you were gonna stand on that hill? For what? Why? How did you get here? Some minor inconvenience almost turned into a major event.
The visual of you kicking his car..lmao the audacity
  • Ether
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