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Fair or foul? Kevin Hart throwing his son a cowboys and Indians party


Lol what a moron
Whats the difference as far as insensitivity since you are such a smart guy? How about Asians or Ricans doing black face or Negro parties? How about whites vs Coloreds? Is that a better comparison genius? Please enlighten me.
Foul for portraying that myth bullshit.... as if the marlboro man and tonto were actually friends
Whats the difference as far as insensitivity since you are such a smart guy? How about Asians or Ricans doing black face or Negro parties? How about whites vs Coloreds? Is that a better comparison genius? Please enlighten me.
Forgive me for not going through this thread but i c the lonious monk dude just said it.
How is black face and some damn blankets the same thing?
Was more pics of the party posted?
Were the kids and adults rain dancing and doing pretend raids on other tribes?

I hope we all know the history of black face and how cacs used it to portray blacks.
By them people putting on blankets, did it in anyway debase natives and their struggles?

When people put on blackface 90+% of the time its downing negros.

Didn't c the maliciousness of this party.
Forgive me for not going through this thread but i c the lonious monk dude just said it.
How is black face and some damn blankets the same thing?
Was more pics of the party posted?
Were the kids and adults rain dancing and doing pretend raids on other tribes?

I hope we all know the history of black face and how cacs used it to portray blacks.
By them people putting on blankets, did it in anyway debase natives and their struggles?

When people put on blackface 90+% of the time its downing negros.

Didn't c the maliciousness of this party.

I swear I don't see why people can't understand this, especially since I pointed out several times that there actually is something called redface that is literally the Native version of blackface. How the fuck you going to randomly put a label something, when that label already fits something completely different?
I'm late but them injuns can eat a Dick.
Tryna go hard because it's a black family. Muhfuckas always wanna play outrage olympics with us so they can compare and highlight their struggles

Truthfully, there's really no comparison. But, as Black folks we're gonna try to say that our struggle in this country >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> anyone else's when that isn't remotely true if we're being truthful.
Truthfully, there's really no comparison. But, as Black folks we're gonna try to say that our struggle in this country >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> anyone else's when that isn't remotely true if we're being truthful.
Both set of peoples went through it. Just that i can understand going hard at the redskins for their name, mascot etc..

But a kids birthday party by some other minorities and likening it to blackface?
They can gtfoh with that.
I feel they definitely had an agenda with this attack and outrage
I'm not white, and ya'll silly niggas gotta stop this "I don't agree with you so you can't be black" shit. It's silly and childish. How does me pointing out the difference between what the Harts did and blackface make me seem white? The difference is objective fact.

No one in the picture wore a headdress. From what I've seen they put on some blankets with native inspired print. I'd question whether that even counts as native garments. You're not even arguing against anything I've said.

Again, I never said anything otherwise. You have a pic of many people wear native inspired stuff, one kid in a cowboy getup, and a few people in regular clothes. How much it was a "Cowboys and Indians" party and how much it was just them seeing a cloak they liked and deciding to wear it as a group I don't know. Again, the Natives can be offended. There is nothing wrong with that, but what the Harts did was not the same as blackface. It just wasn't.

Bruh in every thread you argue against the collective. Its like you be contrary on purpose. Makes me think you trolling or white. We can be like "white people calling us nigger is racist" your ass be on some " did they mean it in a racist way?"

The headress comment was based on what koncept said things like that and even these little blankets can be offensive. Pochohantas costumes are offensive why wouldnt this be. I get it you dont want this compared to blackface but its a credible comparison.
Forgive me for not going through this thread but i c the lonious monk dude just said it.
How is black face and some damn blankets the same thing?
Was more pics of the party posted?
Were the kids and adults rain dancing and doing pretend raids on other tribes?

I hope we all know the history of black face and how cacs used it to portray blacks.
By them people putting on blankets, did it in anyway debase natives and their struggles?

When people put on blackface 90+% of the time its downing negros.

Didn't c the maliciousness of this party.

So this is about intent. So because they didnt think it would offend natives we gotta excuse it.

Using somebody culture as a party theme is ridicule even if based just in ignorance.
Bruh in every thread you argue against the collective. Its like you be contrary on purpose. Makes me think you trolling or white. We can be like "white people calling us nigger is racist" your ass be on some " did they mean it in a racist way?"

The headress comment was based on what koncept said things like that and even these little blankets can be offensive. Pochohantas costumes are offensive why wouldnt this be. I get it you dont want this compared to blackface but its a credible comparison.

lol Man what are you talking about? Pretty much everyone in here agrees that the party was wrong and Kevin should have thought better. I'm talking about the finer point of the blackface comparison, and I'm only arguing with like two people, and at least two people have agreed with what I'm saying. So what collective am I arguing against?

Beyond this topic, if I don't agree with some shit ya'll say, I just don't, period. It's not a matter of me not being black or trying to be contrary. Group consensus on ABW don't mean shit. Just because a lot of ya'll agree on some shit, doesn't mean it's right. And your example of how you think I behave is telling. I never disagree with anything blatantly wrong like that. You and others here just don't understand nuance. If you were being truthful, your example would have been something like everybody on here seeing a video and being like "That racist white woman described the other woman as a "loud black woman." That's stereotypical and racist." and I'll say something like "I don't know if that white woman is racist or not, but the woman was black and she was being loud so that was an accurate description." And I'll immediately be attacked as if I said something crazy.
A better comparison would be non-black children dressing as Confederates and others dressing up as black Union soldiers. Or slave masters and slaves to imitate a slave revolt. Or a game of cops and black activist. But instead of black face they only wear whatever clothing is relevant to situation to represent the black side of the fight.

If you're cool with that, go ahead and give Kevin a pass.
they raised a valid point w. the whole KKK/Black face thing we'd be outraged if that shit happened but at the same time thats blatantly racist and i dont think you can compare that to this. Ya'll know they probably weren't thinking about this ruffling any feathers (no pun)when they went with that theme

we grew up on cowboys and indians

it comes down to people wanting to turn everything into an issue these days

The bold is the same shit Megyn Kelly said to defend blackface on her tv show...