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Fair or Foul: Family almost kicked off flight because 2 y/o wasnt wearing a mask

Fair or Foul

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im a lil angry at this

im by NO means the anti mask, dont take my freedom dude....thats not me or my fight.... i wear my shit everywhere with no problem

bUt Do yU hAvE a tWO yeAr oLD Sir HMMMMMM??

Policy is policy bruh.

If you were aware of that policy, but didn't agree wit it...find another airline.

Too many people think covid has an age limit, when it doesn't. And too many people are acting like they can't infect nobody...regardless of age.

Was the flight attendant wrong for how they handled it? Yes. Could they have handled it better?Sure. But again...if that's their policy, then you gotta abide by it if you fly wit them. Planes are too compacted in space for folks to not wear masks.

Save yourself the trouble and try to find other means to travel wit kids that young.
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Policy is policy bruh.

If you were aware of that policy, but didn't agree wit it...find another airline.

Too many people think covid has an age limit, when it doesn't. And too many people are acting like they can't infect nobody...regardless of age.

Was the flight attendant for how they handled imagine? Yes. Could they have handled it better?Sure. But again...if that's their policy, then you gotta abide by it if you fly wit them. Planes are too compacted in space for folks to not wear masks.

Save yourself the trouble and try to find other means to travel wit kids that young.

i literally said this shit

im not flying with babies right now

that shit was still wack
I dunno what spirits policy is. But I can guarantee that it doesn’t require you to eat via osmosis. Wear the mask when you’re not eating. The child was eating. This isn’t that difficult.

Also, children are amazing. They’re carefree as fuck. She and her entire family are being told to disembark an airplane...she she’s just blissfully eating, no clue about the chaos ensuing around her.
my 2 year old is good with his mask on in stores....until he gets in his feelings like most 2 year olds i know

with that said...i'm not bringing my child on a plane that requires masks to be worn if i know for sure my child will not wear it the entire flight....damn sure not flying spirit of all airlines either....lol
yeah I didnt know Spirits policy

not that we'd be flying them anyway, but yeah I just wouldnt take any babies

whoever came up with that in a boardroom has no idea how toddlers work
The kids at my sisters daycare wear masks. My 3 year old nephew wore his mask with no problem
Plus the child was eating and none of the passengers around them were uncomfortable....let them be and work a different area of the plane if your scared
It's foul in the principle of practicality HOWEVER...
The policy is the policy, so next time the family should fly with someone else that don't require masks being worn for their child
I get Spirit has a policy, but I'm gonna say this is foul just because the child was eating at the time. Can't eat with a mask on and kids NEED they snacks!