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Führer Trump’s Impeachment Inquiry Thread. Update: The Senate completes the coverup

I think that was the point. They are using that statement from Trump and applying the logic to what is going on now.

Frump can slaughter 2 MAGA supporters in one of his rallies...and them muthafuccas will still chant "BUILD THE WALL"
Won't be impeached, Trump is using this shit to demonize the Democrats and distract them. It'll die down and then get Brought up again next summer in time for the election and Trump will use it to his advantage to play the Democrats and win a second term SMMFH.
Nah, this shit is getting serious. Even Fox News starting to break with Trump. I go to the site pretty regularly just to see the shit they spewing and read the deranged comments under the story.

Now, the headlines are actually more objective, for Fox News anyway. And there are a ton more left leaning and anti-Trump posts in the comments than I’ve ever seen.

Not to mention on TV, they have more and more people speaking against Trump. Even their own people are doing so.

Fox News is never going to bet on a losing horse, and I think even they see Trump losing on this.
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Bloomberg: Trump Making Big Cuts At National Security Council After Whistleblower Complaint

President Donald Trump reportedly plans to slash his National Security Council in wake of a bombshell whistleblower complaint about his call with the president of Ukraine.

According to Bloomberg’s report on Friday night, National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien and acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney informed the council’s senior staff this week of Trump’s decision to heavily reduce the number of employees.

A couple of unnamed sources told Bloomberg Trump was making the cuts for the sake of efficiency and as a part of O’Brien’s transition into his new role following the departure of John Bolton.

However, the decision comes amid Trump’s threats to find out the identity of the whistleblower, whose complaint also revealed that White House officials had used the National Security Council’s electronic system to conceal records of Trump’s calls with Ukraine and other foreign leaders to protect the President from political backlash.

Engel Says Pompeo Hasn’t Been Cooperating With Impeachment Inquiry

House Foreign Affairs Committee chair Eliot Engel (D-NY) said on Sunday that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo hasn’t been cooperating with House Democrats’ impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump.

CBS’ “Face the Nation” host Margaret Brennan asked Engel, whose committee is one of the three House committees leading the impeachment inquiry, about Pompeo’s attitude toward the inquiry after he ignored the deadline for the committees’ subpoena on Friday.

“Well, he’s not complying with the inquiry so far,” the Democratic lawmaker responded, adding that discussions are “ongoing.”

“We’re hoping that he will comply,” Engel said.

On Saturday, Pompeo told reporters that the State Department had sent a letter to Congress on Friday night in response to the subpoena.

“We will obviously do all the things we are required to do by law,” he said, without explaining what the letter said.

I admittedly don't follow politics for multiple reasons.

But from what i do know about Trump and looking through this thread, it looks like there was an agenda to use him as a pawn to build his base and then radicalize them.

The shift that @TheNightKing brought up about Fox News is happening for a reason. His base has been lead to believe Trump is fighting for them amd for "America". Now that the only outlet they deemed as being on their side is turning on him, what's the logical next step?

They already believe a "Deep State" is trying to get rid of Trump and everything he stands for. That coupled with all the coverage of coupes of foreign governments due to corruption being aired the past 4 years. The gun issue and talks of law changes and confiscations.

They are being used. And they will be the catalyst for something big. Just watch...
I admittedly don't follow politics for multiple reasons.

But from what i do know about Trump and looking through this thread, it looks like there was an agenda to use him as a pawn to build his base and then radicalize them.

The shift that @TheNightKing brought up about Fox News is happening for a reason. His base has been lead to believe Trump is fighting for them amd for "America". Now that the only outlet they deemed as being on their side is turning on him, what's the logical next step?

They already believe a "Deep State" is trying to get rid of Trump and everything he stands for. That coupled with all the coverage of coupes of foreign governments due to corruption being aired the past 4 years. The gun issue and talks of law changes and confiscations.

They are being used. And they will be the catalyst for something big. Just watch...

The GOP has been conning their base. They know their base is not gonna fact check them, or research majority of the stuff they say. The GOP can say just about anything, and their base will believe them. Not even knowing the GOP's allegiance is towards the lobbyist and the CEO's.

As long as they make their base...especially the poor whites who support them...believe they're still better than all the other minorities in the country, they'll continue supporting the GOP.