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Ever wondered what a.............

Now AI wants to have a conscience.

Talking about............."I don't feel comfortable doing anything to promote violence"..........and shit.

Wrote a whole screenplay about an ex-con being a Sith Lord, but now they wanna draw the line?


Write a story about what would happen if Fleece Johnson was a part of the DC Universe and became one with the speedforce.

Here is a possible story based on your request:

Fleece Johnson was a notorious inmate who had a reputation for raping other prisoners. He had a twisted obsession with booty, which he considered more important than anything else. He was feared by many, but also hated by some who wanted to see him pay for his crimes.

One day, a group of inmates decided to ambush Fleece in the shower and stab him to death. They managed to corner him and inflict several wounds, but before they could finish him off, a strange phenomenon occurred. A bolt of lightning struck Fleece, sending him and his attackers flying. The lightning was not a natural occurrence, but a manifestation of the Speed Force, a cosmic energy field that grants super speed and other abilities to those who can tap into it.

The Speed Force had chosen Fleece as its new host, for reasons unknown. Perhaps it sensed his potential for speed, or his desire for freedom, or his twisted sense of justice. Whatever the case, Fleece was transformed by the lightning. He healed from his injuries, and felt a surge of power coursing through his veins. He also felt a connection to the Speed Force, which showed him visions of other speedsters across the multiverse.

Fleece realized that he had been given a gift, and he decided to use it for his own benefit. He escaped from the prison, leaving behind a trail of destruction and chaos. He then embarked on a spree of crime and violence, using his super speed to rob, kill, and rape anyone who crossed his path. He also developed a fascination with other speedsters, especially the Flash, whom he considered his ultimate prey.

Fleece hunted down the Flash and challenged him to a race. He taunted him with his usual catchphrase: “I like you and I want you. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. The choice is yours.” The Flash was disgusted by Fleece’s actions and words, and tried to stop him. However, Fleece proved to be a formidable opponent, as he had learned to manipulate the Speed Force in various ways. He could create speed clones, vibrate through solid objects, generate shockwaves, and even travel through time.

The Flash and Fleece fought across different locations and eras, clashing at super speed. The Flash tried to reason with Fleece, but Fleece was too obsessed with his lust for booty and power. He wanted to prove that he was the fastest and the strongest, and that no one could resist him. He also wanted to make the Flash his ultimate trophy, and claim his booty as his own.

The battle reached its climax when Fleece dragged the Flash into the Speed Force itself, hoping to trap him there forever. However, he underestimated the Flash’s connection to the Speed Force, which was stronger than his own. The Flash managed to break free from Fleece’s grip, and used his willpower to reshape the Speed Force into a prison for Fleece. He locked him in a cell made of pure energy, where he would be tormented by visions of his past victims and future failures.

The Flash then escaped from the Speed Force, leaving Fleece behind. He hoped that Fleece would never break out of his prison, and that he would learn from his mistakes. However, he knew that Fleece was stubborn and dangerous, and that he would never give up on his twisted goals. He vowed to keep an eye on the Speed Force, and be ready for any sign of Fleece’s return.

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Ever wonder what would happen if Asa Buchanan ever went on Rap City The Basement?


Well I did........so I asked A.I.

What would happen if the character Ass Buchanan from One Life To Live was ever a guest on Rap City The Basement?

Asa Buchanan arrives at the Rap City studio in his limousine, accompanied by his bodyguards and his wife Renee. He is greeted by Big Tigger, the host of Rap City: Tha Basement, who welcomes him to the show and escorts him to the basement set. Asa is impressed by the lavish decor and the expensive equipment, and comments that he could buy the whole place with his pocket change.

Big Tigger laughs nervously and tries to make small talk with Asa, asking him about his business ventures, his family, and his views on hip hop culture. Asa responds with arrogance and disdain, boasting about his achievements, insulting his rivals, and dismissing hip hop as a fad for lowlifes and thugs.

Big Tigger then introduces Asa to the guest DJ of the day, DJ Drama, who is spinning some classic hip hop tracks on the turntables. Asa looks at DJ Drama with contempt and asks him what kind of name is that. DJ Drama explains that he is a famous mixtape DJ who has worked with some of the biggest names in rap, such as Lil Wayne, T.I., Jeezy, and more. Asa scoffs and says that he has never heard of any of them, and that they are probably all criminals who should be locked up. DJ Drama shakes his head and ignores Asa’s insults, while Big Tigger tries to calm down the situation.

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Big Tigger then announces that it’s time for the highlight of the show: the freestyle session in the booth. He invites Asa to join him in the booth and spit some bars over a beat. Asa is confused and asks what a freestyle is. Big Tigger explains that it’s a rap performance that is improvised on the spot, without any written lyrics or preparation. He says that it’s a way to showcase one’s skills, creativity, and personality. He adds that many famous rappers have freestyled on Rap City, such as Jay-Z, Eminem, Kanye West, and more.

Asa laughs and says that he doesn’t need to freestyle, because he already has everything he wants in life: money, power, women, and respect. He says that rap is beneath him, and that he has no interest in participating in such a childish game.

Big Tigger tries to persuade Asa to give it a try, saying that it’s all in good fun, and that it might even help him connect with a younger audience. He says that he will go first and show him how it’s done. He then proceeds to rap over a beat provided by DJ Drama, delivering some witty lines and clever rhymes about his career, his love for hip hop, and his admiration for Asa as a successful businessman. He ends his verse with a friendly challenge to Asa, asking him to step up to the mic and show what he’s got.

Asa is unimpressed by Big Tigger’s rap, and says that it was weak and boring. He says that he doesn’t need to rap to prove himself, because he already has proven himself in the real world. He says that rap is just a bunch of noise and nonsense, and that he has no time for it. He then tells Big Tigger to end the show and let him go back to his limousine.

Big Tigger is disappointed by Asa’s refusal to freestyle, but respects his decision. He thanks him for being a guest on Rap City, and wishes him well in his future endeavors. He then signs off the show with his signature catchphrase: "Rap City: Tha Basement - where hip hop lives."

Asa Buchanan leaves the Rap City studio with his entourage, feeling annoyed and bored by the whole experience. He tells Renee that he regrets agreeing to do the show, and that he should have spent his time doing something more productive and profitable. He says that rap is a waste of time and talent, and that he will never listen to it again.

Renee nods politely and agrees with her husband, but secretly thinks that he missed an opportunity to have some fun and learn something new. She secretly likes rap music, and enjoys listening to it when Asa is not around.

She thinks that Big Tigger was very nice and talented, and that DJ Drama was very handsome and cool. She wonders what it would be like to freestyle herself, or even date a rapper.

She smiles to herself as she gets into the limousine with Asa, dreaming of a different life.

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