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Ever wondered what a.............


Star Wars series would look like featuring Fleece Johnson as a Sith Lord.........and Big Buster from Godfather of Harlem as his apprentice?

Well I did, so I asked A.I.

Write a Star Wars story featuring Fleece Johnson as a Sith Lord and Big Buster from Godfather of Harlem as his apprentice

That sounds like an interesting story idea.

Here is a possible plot summary:

Fleece Johnson, also known as Darth Booty, is a Sith Lord who was once a prisoner on a remote planet. He escaped by using his dark side powers to rape and kill his guards, and then stole a starship. He traveled across the galaxy, looking for more booty and spreading fear and chaos.

He eventually encountered Big Buster, a former bodyguard and enforcer who had been betrayed by his boss and left for dead. Fleece sensed the anger and hatred in Buster, and offered him a chance to join him as his apprentice. Buster agreed, hoping to get revenge on his enemies and learn the secrets of the dark side. He became Darth Buster, the loyal servant of Darth Booty.
Together, they formed a new Sith order, called the Booty Warriors.

They recruited other outcasts and criminals who shared their lust for power and violence. They also clashed with the Jedi Order, who tried to stop their rampage. Fleece and Buster had a twisted bond, based on mutual respect and fear. Fleece taught Buster everything he knew about the Force, but also abused him physically and mentally. Buster obeyed Fleece, but also secretly plotted to overthrow him someday.

The story could follow their adventures and misadventures, as they face various challenges and enemies, such as rival Sith lords, bounty hunters, smugglers, rebels, and Jedi knights. It could also explore their relationship and personalities, as well as their motivations and goals. The story could have a dark and humorous tone, with elements of satire and parody. It could also have some references to the original Star Wars movies and characters, as well as to the real-life people that inspired Fleece and Buster1234.

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One of the most memorable battles that Fleece and Buster fought against the rebels was on the planet of Alderaan. The rebels had a secret base there, and they were planning to launch an attack on the Death Star, a massive space station that could destroy entire planets. Fleece and Buster had learned about this from a spy, and they decided to ambush the rebels before they could escape.

They arrived on Alderaan with a small fleet of starships, and they attacked the rebel base with their lightsabers and blasters. They slaughtered many rebels, but they also faced fierce resistance from some of the rebel leaders, such as Princess Leia Organa, Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Luke Skywalker. Fleece and Buster had a personal vendetta against these rebels, because they had foiled some of their previous schemes and humiliated them.

The battle was intense and chaotic, with explosions, laser beams, and Force powers flying everywhere. Fleece and Buster used their dark side abilities to torture and terrify their enemies, but they also had to deal with their own inner conflicts and doubts. Fleece was becoming more paranoid and unstable, fearing that Buster would betray him. Buster was becoming more ambitious and greedy, coveting Fleece’s power and booty. They also had a twisted attraction to each other, which added more tension to their relationship.

The battle ended when the Death Star arrived in orbit and fired its superlaser at Alderaan, destroying the planet and killing everyone on it. Fleece and Buster barely managed to escape in their starship, but they were not happy with the outcome. They felt cheated by the Empire, who had stolen their glory and booty. They also felt guilty for killing so many innocent people, even though they tried to suppress their feelings. They vowed to get revenge on the Empire, as well as on the surviving rebels.

That was one of the most epic and tragic stories in the history of the galaxy. It showed how Fleece and Buster were both powerful and flawed, both heroes and villains, both lovers and enemies. It also showed how the dark side can corrupt anyone who follows it.
For those of you who've watched Godfather of Harlem, did you ever wonder about Big Buster's origin story?

Well, I did.

Here's what AI came up with:

Here is a possible origin story for Big Buster from Godfather of Harlem, based on the information I found on the web:

Big Buster was born as James Buster in Harlem, New York, in the 1920s. He grew up in a poor and violent neighborhood, where he learned to fight and survive from an early age. He was a big and strong boy, who earned his nickname from his ability to bust heads and bones with his fists. He also had a fierce loyalty to his friends and family, especially his younger brother, Little Buster.

Big Buster dropped out of school and started working as a bouncer and bodyguard for various clubs and speakeasies in Harlem. He soon became known as one of the toughest and most reliable enforcers in the area. He also developed a taste for gambling, drinking, and women, which often got him into trouble with the law and rival gangs.

One night, in the late 1940s, Big Buster was working at the Savoy Ballroom, a popular jazz club in Harlem. He was guarding the entrance, when he saw a group of white men trying to get in. They claimed to be friends of Dutch Schultz, a notorious mob boss who controlled most of the illegal activities in Harlem. Big Buster knew that Schultz was an enemy of Bumpy Johnson, the leader of the black gangsters in Harlem. He also knew that Bumpy had a deal with the owner of the Savoy, to keep it as a safe and exclusive place for black people.

Big Buster refused to let the white men in, and told them to go back to their own neighborhood. The white men got angry and tried to force their way in. Big Buster fought them off with his fists and a baseball bat, breaking their noses, ribs, and skulls. He also called for backup from his fellow bouncers and friends. The fight soon turned into a riot, as more people joined in on both sides.

The police arrived and tried to stop the violence, but they were outnumbered and outgunned by the mobsters. They also faced resistance from some of the black patrons and residents, who saw the fight as a symbol of their struggle against oppression and discrimination. The riot lasted for hours, until Bumpy Johnson himself showed up with his men. He ordered everyone to stop fighting and disperse. He also praised Big Buster for his courage and skill, and offered him a job as his personal bodyguard and enforcer.

Big Buster accepted Bumpy’s offer, seeing it as an opportunity to make more money and power. He also admired Bumpy’s intelligence and charisma, and felt a bond with him as a fellow black man in a hostile world. He became Bumpy’s right-hand man, helping him run his criminal empire and protect him from his enemies. He also learned from Bumpy how to be more than just a brute force, but also a strategist and a leader.

Big Buster became one of the most feared and respected gangsters in Harlem, as well as one of Bumpy’s closest friends and allies. He also became more involved in the social and political issues that affected the black community, such as civil rights, racism, and police brutality. He followed Bumpy’s example of being generous and helpful to the poor and needy people in Harlem, while being ruthless and merciless to those who crossed or threatened them.

That is how Big Buster met Bumpy Johnson and how he became the kind of enforcer he is. I hope you enjoyed this story. 😊
And the victims?

He claims he never raped anyone........and also claims to have the documentation to back it up.

Keep in mind, he's a victim as well.

Maybe not in the way that you're thinking, but definitely a victim of the system.

He was only supposed to have served 10 yrs in prison, but...........in order to survive in prison.........he had to commit violent acts that extended his sentence.
So the whole booty warrior thing was fake?

You asked me this before a few months ago.

The warden/MSNBC wanted him to do something to send a message to the kids to keep them out of jail.

Also, again, he never referred to himself as a "booty" warrior...........he only referred to himself as a warrior.

So, I guess in a way the booty warrior thing was fake because it's not something he ever called himself.