ECW style brawl breaks out in Portland.. Antifa vs Patriot Prayer & the Proud Boys(Pro Trump groups)

FBI Officially Considers Proud Boys A White Nationalist-Linked ‘Extremist Group’

The FBI officially considers the Proud Boys an “extremist group with ties to white nationalism.”

That classification was revealed in an August Washington state law enforcement document obtained by transparency non-profit Property of the People and first reported by The Guardian on Monday.

Per the Clark County Sheriff’s Office memo, “The FBI has warned local law enforcement agencies that the Proud Boys are actively recruiting in the Pacific Northwest and that some in the group have contributed to the recent escalation of violence at political rallies held on college campuses, and in cities like Charlottesville, Virginia, Portland, Oregon, and Seattle, Washington.”

Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes has insisted since the group’s creation in 2016 that his “western chauvinist” organization is just a men’s club focused on drinking beer and protesting excessive political correctness. But the group’s members have been arrested for assault after brawling with anti-racist protesters in cities from New York to Portland, Oregon.

The New York Police Department opened a criminal probe into the group in October after members engaged in a chaotic street fight with protesters outside a Manhattan Republican club where McInnes gave a speech.

The FBI’s designation of the Proud Boys as an extremist group was revealed in a report on the dismissal of former Clark County probationary deputy Erin Willey. According to the document, Willey was fired after local press obtained a photo of her wearing a sweatshirt of the “Proud Boys Girls”—the female division of the male-only group.

Clark County’s internal investigation revealed that Willey was an active member of the group between Nov. 2016 and Oct. 2017, that she sold merchandise on their behalf, and that she did not disclose this information during the hiring process.

The document concludes that Willey could not be trusted to carry out her oath of office given her membership in a group that “openly discriminates against people of the Muslim faith and Jewish faith,” “openly discriminates against people of different national origins and ethnicity,” “openly advocates the overthrow of the federal government,” and “promotes misogynistic rhetoric and beliefs that many women find offensive.”

Willey told the sheriff’s office that she believes the photo was leaked by her former boyfriend, Proud Boy member Graham Jorgensen, in retaliation for ending their relationship, and that Jorgensen engaged in a history of physical and verbal abuse towards her.
Proud Boys started off as a joke from them making fun of someone he works with. Dude was a timid jewish guy that had like no interest in women, so Gavin said as a joke, hes going to make a group that teaches men how to be men ect ect.

Then the Left wing extremists labeled them a hate group as they do with anyone who isnt with everything they say and started picking fights with them. So of course a few right wing extremists "join" the proud boys hope they come start a fight so they can beat them up & as you imagine, thats exactly what happened. Now the media is blowing this up to something bigger than it is for clicks.

Lastly, it doesnt take much for law inforcement to label you a hate group or extremist if they can use it for an excuse to win a case and lock you up. These the same people that label that for blacks teaching each other how to shoot guns and to know their rights. In fact this just inspired me to make a thread on how different the government treats white terrorist groups and brown ones.

Bad Week For Gavin McInnes: YouTube Account Deleted, Show Cancelled

It’s been a bad few days for Proud Boys founder and far-right media personality Gavin McInnes.

On Saturday, according to The Hill, Blaze Media — the week-old fusion of Mark Levin’s CRTV and Glenn Beck’s The Blaze — announced it “no long has a relationship” with McInnes to make a show based on his podcast of the same name, “Get Off My Lawn.”

Then, on Monday, per the Daily Beast, YouTube deleted McInnes’ account “due to multiple third-party notifications of copyright infringement,” leaving the Vice Media co-founder without any major social media platform.

In November, reports emerged that McInnes had been denied an Australian visa on the grounds of his character.

In October, the NYPD open a criminal probe of the Proud Boys after several members engaged in a brawl following an event of McInnes’ at the Metropolitan Republican Club. Police now count nine Proud Boys arrested as a result of the fight.

After reports that the FBI had designated the Proud Boys an extremist group — which the FBI later denied — McInnes said he had quit the group.
This shit has been going on for a while and from what i seen, when ever a protest is scheduled, people from both sides of the argument come from all over the US with the sole purpose of beating the other side up.

I think antifa is taking the most L's tho. Most their members showing up to a fight and only know how to use pepper spray. They cant even throw a proper punch most of the time. Really just turned into goofy white people screaming and fighting.

But i bet if more black people were at these protests, all of sudden they're be more arrests and this violence would be a serious issue.