Easter in Italy and Spain....Not Ku Klux Klan!


Active Member
Feb 22, 2019
This is how you celebrate easter in countries like Spain and Italy. You’ll see a lot of people celebrating Semana Santa (The holy Week) that to many people, especially in America look like KKK members. They are penitents called "Nazarenos". They wear capirotes (conical shaped hood ) to cover their face to do penance. It also represents that all human beings are equal in the eyes of God.....It's a catholic tradition dating back to the 15th Century.

The KKK modeled their infamous costumes after the Nazarenos and this peaceful tradition.

Ever been to Spain or Italy and experienced this?






  • Ether
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Many forms of symbolism are adopted and sullied by groups of people with evil intentions. The swastika has a totally different meaning today because of the Nazis.

It can also depend on the point of view of the individual. Being in the wrong place at the wrong time in LA with the wrong color baseball hat can get you killed.

Being black and having a part in your hair makes you a gangster/thug to white people...... apparently being black and having any kind of hair makes you a gangster/ thug to white people.

Some symbols are adopted for evil purposes and are never viewed the same; while other "symbols" are in the imagination of nosy ass people who want to oppress others anyway they can.

With that being said it's hard to look at those costumes and not think of the Klan. Right or wrong.
Man I feel like I might have to go out there put the hood on and shank bare mans for the culture.
The Running of The Bulls and Bull Fighting are said to be symbolic of European racism towards Islam/Moors that once occupied the area.
Very possible that this tradition of theirs could also have racist under tones with a deeper look.
Been to both countries never seen this event fortunately.
If I did